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Libya: The mood on the streets

In Tripoli you’re never far from a celebration. There is no sign yet that the novelty of their newfound freedom is wearing off for residents of Libya’s capital. More...

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Rendez-Vous - Afghanistan: the intervention to end all interventions?

Can NATO still succeed in Afghanistan before the ISAF mission is set to withdraw in 2014. If so, what will it take? Watch the Rendez-Vous

NATO Review: NATO after 9/11 - a US perspective

For a truly modern approach to bringing NATO up to speed on 21st century security threats, the Alliance needs smart spending, more commitment and clearer planning, argues Dr Jacquelyn Davis. More...

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NATO has worked closely with the United Nations on more than 50 relief operations around the world.
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3-15 September 2011

Kabul Attack Stopped
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