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Transition in Afghanistan

The western city of Herat has been described as the Dubai of Afghanistan. Its historic heritage from the ancient citadel to the tomb of female Afghan leader Gorhashad is also famous all over the country. More...

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NATO Review: Afghanistan – What’s gone right, what’s gone wrong?

When the Taliban was ousted in 2001, there were seeds of hope across the country. The people of Afghanistan, weary from their dark past, embarked on a bright venture of nation and state building. They hoped for prosperity, freedom, and peace. The presence, cooperation and support from the international community galvanised this hope. Looking back, I could see a mix of both extraordinary progress and bitter failure. More...

Did you know...?

The NATO Defense College first opened in November 1951 in Paris, before moving to its current location in Rome in 1966.
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23 - 29 November 2011

Libya: Heritage in Times of Unrest - Part 1
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