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Kosovo: a view from the street

Kosovo has seen much progress since its declaration of independence in 2008. One of the most visible signs is the new high-rise apartment buildings that have sprung up in Pristina. But many stand empty, far beyond the reach of most people in a place where the average income is around 250 euros a month. More...

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NATO Review: 2012: welcome to the gridlocked world

This year is in many ways "back to the future" for NATO. As during the Cold War, the Alliance’s greatest challenges in 2012 will come not from the risk of attack but from the extent and consequences of shifts in the nature of global power. More...

Did you know...?

The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) is a “24/7” focal point for coordinating disaster relief efforts among NATO member and partner countries.

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8-14 February 2012

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