Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Press Release (2012) 045

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Secretary General’s Monthly Press Conference

Residence Palace (Rue de la loi, 155) - Monday 2 april 2012


14h00 Monthly press briefing by the Secretary General
Location Residence Palace, Room Polak (Rue de la loi, 155 - Bruxelles)


  • The press conference will be available free worldwide on satellite and live on NATO’s website.
  • -Photos, videos and audio files from NATO will be available on the NATO website or -via the TV/Radio unit (see contact details below).

Language Feeds on the website

The press point will be available in original sound during the live webstreaming, and in original, English and French sound after the event.

Accreditation and access

Journalists holding a 2012 NATO media pass will have access to the press conference room on presentation of the NATO permanent media pass.

Media representatives not in possession of a 2012 NATO media pass and wishing to attend the event are invited to request accreditation directly at the main entrance of the Residence Palace, on 2 April, starting from 13h00.

They will have to present an ID and a valid press card (provided by a recognised national professional body of a NATO country – i.e. Government, Professional association, Union….).

Those media representatives not having a valid press card (as listed previously) are invited to send a signed letter from their editor to NATO Press and Media Service, not later than Friday 30 March - 16h00 (fax +32.2707.1399; email: ).


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