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NATO and Russia seek to strengthen cooperation to counter piracy

NATO and Russia agree that countering piracy is a common security challenge and have agreed to explore ways to strengthen cooperation in this area under the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) Work Programme for 2012. Building on limited military tactical cooperation off the Horn of Africa, they are seeking to strengthen information exchange and coordination and considering possible mutual support, such as refuelling and medical assistance, for ships involved in counter-piracy operations. More...

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NATO Review: Smart Defence - the economic angle

Smart Defence is not all about the economy. But the economic crisis has certainly played its part. How does the economic landscape look now. And what effect could this have on the development of Smart Defence. NATO Review asks NATO's Senior Defence Economist for his insights. More...

NATO internships open doors for future peace and security professionals

Have you ever wanted to know how the Alliance works from the inside? On 26 March, NATO began taking internship applications for 2013. Young graduates and research students from a wide range of academic disciplines are invited to apply by 30 April 2012. More...

Did you know...?

The first NATO Medal was established in 1994. There are now six NATO Medals currently in use.

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21-27 March 2012

The Italian Footprint
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