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Afghan unit carries out night operation

Around midnight, Afghan soldiers pour out of two Chinook helicopters. They walk single file in the pitch-dark of the barren mountain tops. The silence of the valley is broken only occasionally by barking dogs. More...

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NATO Review: Smart Defence - the political angle

How does NATO's top brass see the Smart Defence project? How much do they see the difficulties, opportunities and importance of it? NATO Review asked NATO's Deputy Secretary General - and Smart Defence envoy - Ambassador Alexander Vershbow to find out. More...

NATO internships open doors for future peace and security professionals

Have you ever wanted to know how the Alliance works from the inside? On 26 March, NATO began taking internship applications for 2013. Young graduates and research students from a wide range of academic disciplines are invited to apply by 30 April 2012. More...

Did you know...?

Appointed in 1952, Lord Ismay was the first NATO Secretary General

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4-10 April 2012

Moving On In Kapisa and Surobi
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