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Drugs burning ceremony opens meeting on NATO-Russia counter-narcotics training project

High-level representatives from countries involved in the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) counter-narcotics training initiative gathered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on Tuesday 26 June, to chart the future course of the project. More...

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NATO Review: The US – at the heart of NATO since day 1

NATO was created by a treaty signed in Washington, DC in 1949. As NATO returns to the US 63 years later for its Chicago Summit, NATO Review highlights some of the key moments of the shared history of the Alliance and its biggest member. More...

"NATO Partnerships" - LibGuide

The NATO Multimedia Library now offers “LibGuides”, subject guides with links to resources available on the web. This week’s portfolio deals with NATO Partnerships

Did you know...?

Before taking office as NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen was Prime Minister of Denmark.

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27 June - 3 July 2012

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