Program Number | Principal Investigator | Program Title |
12105 | Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington | A Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury - I |
12107 | Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington | A Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury - I |
12360 | Saul Perlmutter, University of California - Berkeley | Cosmology From Cluster-Hosted and z>1 Supernovae Orphaned from the MCT Program |
12443 | Sandra M. Faber, University of California - Santa Cruz | Galaxy Assembly and the Evolution of Structure over the First Third of Cosmic Time - III |
12450 | C. S. Kochanek, The Ohio State University | Understanding A New Class of Mid?IR Transients |
12457 | Marc Postman, Space Telescope Science Institute | Through a Lens, Darkly - New Constraints on the Fundamental Components of the Cosmos |
12470 | Kim-Vy Tran, Texas A & M Research Foundation | Super-Group 1120-1202: A Unique Laboratory for Tracing Galaxy Evolution in an Assembling Cluster at z=0.37 |
12477 | Fredrick W. High, University of Chicago | Weak lensing masses of the highest redshift galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope SZ survey |
12481 | Carrie Bridge, California Institute of Technology | WISE-Selected Lyman-alpha Blobs: An Extreme Dusty Population at High-z |
12484 | Gregory James Schwarz, American Astronomical Society | STIS UV spectroscopy of a bright nova during its super soft X-ray phase |
12488 | Mattia Negrello, Open University | SNAPshot observations of gravitational lens systems discovered via wide-field Herschel imaging |
12496 | Ran Wang, University of Arizona | A Quasar-Starburst Merger System at z=6.2 ? |
12513 | William P. Blair, The Johns Hopkins University | Stellar Life and Death in M83: A Hubble-Chandra Perspective |
12517 | Francesco R. Ferraro, Universita di Bologna | COSMIC-LAB: Hunting for optical companions to binary MSPs in Globular Clusters |
12521 | Xin Liu, University of California - Los Angeles | The Frequency and Demographics of Dual Active Galactic Nuclei |
12527 | Brian Siana, University of California - Riverside | Resolving Lyman Continuum Emission from Lya-Emitters |
12546 | R. Brent Tully, University of Hawaii | The Geometry and Kinematics of the Local Volume |
12556 | Karl D. Gordon, Space Telescope Science Institute | Investigating the Enigmatic Ultraviolet 2175 A Extinction Feature and Correlation with Infrared Aromatic/PAH emission in M101 |
12568 | Matthew A. Malkan, University of California - Los Angeles | WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey WISP: A Survey of Star Formation Across Cosmic Time |
12570 | Sylvain Veilleux, University of Maryland | Deep FUV Imaging of Cool Cores in Galaxy Clusters |
12587 | Miriam Garcia, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias | Winds of very low metallicity OB stars: crossing the frontier of the Magellanic Clouds |
12604 | Andrew J. Fox, Space Telescope Science Institute - ESA | Ionization in the Magellanic Stream: A Case Study of Galactic Accretion |
12747 | Fabien Grise, University of Iowa | Constraining the irradiated disk and the nature of the companion star in an ultraluminous X-ray source |
GO 12105, 12107: A Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury
![]() M31: the Andromeda spiral galaxy |
M31, the Andromeda galaxy, is the nearest large spiral system to the Milky Way (d ~ 700 kpc), and, with the Milky Way, dominates the Local Group. The two galaxies are relatively similar, with M31 likely the larger system; thus, Andromeda provides the best opportunity for a comparative assessment of the structural properties of the Milky Way. Moreover, while M31 is (obviously) more distant, our external vantage point can provide crucial global information that complements the detailed data that we can acquire on individual members of the stellar populations of the Milky Way. With the advent on the ACS and, within the last 2 years, WFC3 on HST, it has become possible to resolve main sequence late-F and G dwarfs, permitting observations that extend to sub-solar masses in M31's halo and disk. Initially, most attention focused on the extended halo of M31 (eg the Cycle 15 program GO 10816 ), with deep imaging within a limited number of fields revealing the complex metallicity structure within that population. With the initiation of the present Multi-Cycle Treasury program, attention switches to the M31 disk. "PHAT" is conducting a multi-waveband survey of approximately one third of disk and bulge, focusing on the north-east quadrant. Observations extend over Cycles 19, 20 and 21, and will provide a thorough census of upper main-sequence stars, open clusters, associations and star forming regions, matching the stellar distribution against the dust and gas distribution. |
![]() A projection onto the supergalactic plane of the distribution of galaxies in the local volume (from The Atlas of the Universe ) |
The distribution of galaxies within the local universe provides a map of the local gravitational field, and potential insight into the evolutionary history of local structure. Reliable distances have been determined to most of the larger systems within that volume, but there are many lower-mass galaxies whose distances are still uncertain to factors of 3 to 5. Over the years, a wider range of distance estimators has been put in play to amp the distribution, with techniques ranging from detailed determinations of variable star light curves (Cepheids, RR Lyraes, Pop II Cepheids, long period variables and miras) to measuring the surface brihtness fluctuations of largely-unresolved stellar populatios. One of the most-used, and reasonably effective, methods is to determine the brightness of the tip of the first red giant branch in the colour-magnitude diagram. Stars evolving up the red giant branch undergo hydrogen shell burning; that terminates when the helium core ignites; the location of that ignition is only weakly dependent on stellar composition; and the location of the tip can be determined by constructing a luminosity function for red giant branch stars, since asymptotic giant branch (second gioant branch) stars are much less frequent, leading to a sharp drop in number density at higher luminosities. That measurement demands observations that resolve individual stars in these galaxies, and HST is the most effective means of obtaining such high angular resoluton data. The present program is a SNAP survey focused primarily on galaxies believed to lie at distances between 4 and 7 Mpc. The Advanced Camera for Surveys is being used to F660W and F814W images for those targets, permitting construction of (I, (V-I)) colour-magnitude diagrams for the older stellar population in those systems. |