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The Arab Spring - what now?

The Arab Spring - what now?

This edition of NATO Review aims to look at what happened in the Arab Spring, what worked, what didn't and why. Read more

Pictures of the revolution

Pictures of the revolution

Sometimes words don't capture history in quite the way a picture can. Here, we present some of the most striking photos drawn from the Arab Spring uprisings - looking at their people, their struggles and ultimately their successes. Read more

Libya's 2011 revolution ... in 2 minutes

Libya's 2011 revolution ... in 2 minutes

Two minutes outlining the fall of a regime that had stood for 42 years - a fall which took Libyan people from protest to conquest. Read more

Arab Spring - and now the morning after

Arab Spring - and now the morning after

Barak Barfi has travelled through the Arab Spring region. Here he tells how he saw different interpretations of what freedom means, frustrations simply changing targets, and new problems replacing old ones. The regimes may have gone. But, he argues, the societies, structures and problems they created over decades haven't. Read more

Squaring the circle in the Arab uprisings

Squaring the circle in the Arab uprisings

It was two years that in a small roundabout in Egypt, called ‘Liberation Square’, a few hundred people gathered to protest against the government of Hosni Mubarak. Dr H.A. Hellyer analyses how 18 days later, that square would be etched into modern world history by its original Arabic name: Tahrir. Read more

NATO's dealing with a different Gulf now

NATO's dealing with a different Gulf now

What does the Arab Spring mean for NATO? Jean Loup Samaan looks at whether the Alliance needs to change its approach to Arab countries post-Arab Spring, how these changes could look and how to overcome obstacles. Read more


al Qaida Yemen AQAP democracy elections Istanbul Cooperative Initiative Iraq middle-east new media Egypt

NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

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