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What's 2013 got in store? (update)

What's 2013 got in store? (update)

We’re sending this edition update on NATO Review as we can now add the NATO Secretary General’s annual report on the past 12 months. It highlights some of the pressing issues facing the Alliance, particularly coming from the poor economic climate and how this is affecting defence spending. It also looks at how the Alliance is changing its focus to do more with less, where the Secretary General sees the main threats coming from and the highlights the very real risks we all run if we get it wrong. Read more

The Secretary General's Annual Report 2012

The Secretary General's Annual Report 2012

What lessons did NATO take from the events of 2012? And how will they influence its priorities for the future? Here we publish the NATO Secretary General’s annual report which provides an insight into both areas. Read more

Photostory: 2012 in pictures

Photostory: 2012 in pictures

2012 was a year that saw key developments in elections, conflicts, nuclear programmes and more. In this photostory, we illustrate some of the major events. Read more

Which issue do you feel will have a significant impact on security in 2013 and why?

Which issue do you feel will have a significant impact on security in 2013 and why?

NATO Review asked four experts in different parts of international affairs how they see 2013 panning out. Here we publish their answers, ranging from predictions for the Middle East to Asia. Read more

Which area surprised you most in 2012 security?

Which area surprised you most in 2012 security?

What were the surprises in international security in 2012 - and what can we learn from them? Here, four experts ranging from a former UN Commissioner to the head of security think tank outline what the lessons learned of 2012 were. Read more

Securing the Sahel: a role for NATO?

Securing the Sahel: a role for NATO?

NATO has a well established partnership programme with several North African countries bordering the Sahel region of Africa. But as the region witnesses more high profile instability, could NATO play more of a role asks Paul Pryce? Read more


middle-east Iran security predictions capabilities collective defence civil-military cooperation international security

NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

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