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MARCH 2013 
where the experts come to talk 

Women: paying the price of conflict?

Women: paying the price of conflict?

It is mainly men who wage war. And it is mainly women (and children) who suffer from it. These undeniable facts have led the international community to try to tackle some of the key issues leading to this situation: from fighting gender violence to promoting female role models. But, as this edition sets out, the case for more effort remains compelling. Read more

Women on the frontline

Women on the frontline

If you have ever doubted that women suffer most from conflict, this short video will show you some figures that may make you think again. Read more

Women's fight in pictures

Women's fight in pictures

Women's fight for better treatment starts early. From lack of education, to gender violence through to being responsible for the next generation, this photostory sets out some of the challenges the world's women face. Read more

Women in security: personal stories

Women in security: personal stories

We ask women how they got interested in security issues, whether they've been victims of stereotyping and what personal experiences have struck them. Read more

View from the top

View from the top

Lena Olving is COO for defence and security company Saab. She has also been voted Sweden's most powerful businesswoman. What advice does she have for women who want to make it in security? Read more

Women in security: climbing a very long ladder

Women in security: climbing a very long ladder

What's it like to be a young woman rising up the ranks of the security world? We asked Ioanna Zyga, who has worked at both NATO headquarters and the European Parliament about her experiences - and whether she sees it as still a male-dominated world. Read more


Afghanistan armed forces Bosnia and Herzegovina gender balance organised crime war crimes women women, peace and security history of NATO

NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

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