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NATO and the International Women’s Day

International women’s day is over 100 years old and has a different theme each year. For 2013, the theme is how to tackle something that has been going on even longer – sexual violence against women. In this special look at women in security, we hear stories from women who have helped make progress – and those who keep fighting for more.

Women: paying the price of conflict?

If you have ever doubted that women suffer most from conflict and its effects, this short video will show you some figures that may make you think again. Or you could check out our photostory, or hear  women’s personal stories – both from those who have risen to the top of the security ladder, and those just starting.

Afghan women doing it for themselves

Imagine going from being a refugee to rapper. Then add in being female. And now put the whole story in Afghanistan. What would it be like? Afghan rapper Soosan Firooz’s tells us her story. We also have the story of Sonia Sarwari who, despite threats and at least one attack, continues her acting career in Afghanistan. You can find more stories like this in our women peace and security playlist.

Achieving better security and greater empowerment of women

Mari Skåre, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for Women Peace and Security addresses the role of  women in the armed forces, the presence of women in decision-making, and NATO's long-term commitment to gender issues in Afghanistan.