NATO's weekly update

NATO's support to Afghan army sustainment takes shape

Foreign ministers from NATO and ISAF partner nations made progress in shaping NATO’s long-term support to Afghanistan at a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday (23 April 2013). “Today we agreed on the means to ensure transparency and accountability in our future funding mechanisms of the Afghan security forces. This is an important pillar of the international community’s wider commitment to sustaining Afghanistan in the years to come,” NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said. More...

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NATO Review: View from the top

Ms. Lena Olving is Chief Operating Officer of Saab AB and serves as its Deputy Chief Executive Officer. She has been a director of numerous companies in Europe, India and Asia. She is also a chartered engineer.More...

"Training and Education" - LibGuide

Libguide The NATO Multimedia Library now offers "LibGuides", subject guides with links to resources available on the web. This week's portfolio deals with 'Training and Education'
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18-24 April 2013
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NATO support to Turkey

Afghan Air Force aims high
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