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APRIL 2013 
where the experts come to talk 

Partners - who needs them?

Partners - who needs them?

Partnerships in alliances are not new. The simple refrain that ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ shows the logic of linking up with like-minded people, organisations or countries. And NATO has been taking advantage of partnerships since the 1990s. But now, with security challenges becoming increasingly diverse, NATO Review asks: is this the moment when partnerships have become more important than ever? Read more

Ashton and Paloméros: why the EU and NATO need partners

Ashton and Paloméros: why the EU and NATO need partners

NATO Review asks two of NATO and the EU's top officials how they see partnerships. And whether they could see a way to partnering with each other more. Read more

Ireland: dealing with NATO and neutrality

Ireland: dealing with NATO and neutrality

Ireland has been a partner of NATO since the 1990s. So how has this sat with the country's famed neutral status? And what benefit does it bring to either side? NATO Review interviews Ireland's Defence Minister to find out. Read more

Photostory: partners in action

Photostory: partners in action

Afghanistan is not the only operation where NATO has teamed up with partners. This photostory shows a few examples of partners working side by side with NATO. Read more

NATO’s 'neutral' European partners: valuable contributors or free riders?

NATO’s 'neutral' European partners: valuable contributors or free riders?

Stanley Sloan takes a deliberately provocative view of whether all sides benefit equally from neutral countries partnering with NATO. Here he looks at the pros and cons of the arrangement for the countries and the Alliance. Read more

Sweden: a special NATO partner?

Sweden: a special NATO partner?

Sweden's forces haven't been involved in a combat mission for over 50 years. But they have stood ready to assist in many NATO operations since the 1990s. Ryan Hendrickson here makes the case for Sweden to be called a special partner to NATO. Read more


Afghanistan partnership for peace Australia Austria China collective defence partnerships Georgia Switzerland Sweden

NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

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