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NATO Secretary General welcomes new Supreme Allied Commander Europe

United States Air Force General Philip Mark Breedlove took over command of NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) from Admiral James Stavridis during a handover ceremony in Mons, Belgium on Monday ( 13 May 2013). "I am honoured to be here today for this handover ceremony to thank Admiral Stavridis for his outstanding contribution to transatlantic security and to welcome our new Supreme Allied Commander, General Breedlove, to the Alliance," said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who attended the ceremony. More...

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NATO Review: NATO's 'neutral' European partners: valuable contributors or free riders?

When the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact collapsed, five European states – Austria, Sweden, Finland, Ireland and Switzerland – decided, each for their own reasons, to remain "neutral." They nonetheless could not avoid questions about the place they should take in a new post-Cold War international system, including their relationship to NATO. More...
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9-15 May 2013
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Joint Press Point with General Breedlove
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