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Presenter: Vice Chief of Staff of the Army General John F. Campbell; Army Deputy Chief of Staff Lieutenant General James L. Huggins; Director of Force Management Major General John M. Murray, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff June 25, 2013

Media Roundtable with Gen. Campbell, Lt. Gen. Huggins and Maj. Gen. Murray from the Pentagon Briefing Room

            COLONEL DAVE PATTERSON:  Okay, good afternoon, every one.

             I'm Colonel Dave Patterson, chief of media relations division.

             And before we begin, I have a couple of admin notes.  This meeting around the table is on the record.  We have a hard -- hard stop of 3:15, 15:15, and...

             STAFF:  Well, I can always leave these guys in contact, but, if you need me to do that, just let me know.

             COL. PATTERSON:  And we'll get opening comments from the vice chief of staff of the Army.

             GENERAL JOHN F. CAMPBELL:  Okay.  Thanks.

             We just all heard General Odierno, the chief of staff, lay out the Army's plan for the reduction of BCTs , and, again, this is based on the Budget Control Act of 2011.

             He emphasized that this is pre-sequestration, so I say it upfront, again, what I have here is Mike Murray, who is our F.M. director, who had been working this piece very, very hard, and Jim Huggins is a G-3. 

            So what we're really here to do is answer any of those questions you didn't get a chance to ask the chief, or have thought of since the chief talked to you.  And if we don't have those answers, we'll come back to you. 

            But we can lay out a little bit more about the methodology, if you want to hear that.  But we are open to any questions you have, and really want to focus it on the BCT reduction and the stationing piece, if we can. 

            The one thing I'll throw out to kind of set the context is that the chief talked about 80,000, and if you add up the 10 brigades that he talked about, the CONUS, two brigades in Europe -- that's 12.  He said we have one more brigade that we gotta to work through.  We're still working through that.  And we'll go down to the number of 32 is what he talked about. 

            But numbering wise, reductions at the BCT installations in CONUS is about 17,700.  Reductions from the BCTs plus all those enablers in Europe that came out is about 11,700.  Those -- that's with those two numbers. 

            Other categories that we will reduce, our temporary end-strength increase, or the TESI, was 22,000, so that's coming out.  Our TTHS, our trainees, transits, holdees and students, that number will come out commensurate with the -- really the 14 percent that the chief talked about as we decrease that, so that's about 7,300.

            We had a 10,300 war-time allowance.  There's another 2,200 coming out of 18 different installations that are non-BCT.  And then there's about another 3,200 coming out from 200 smaller non-BCT installations. 

            That's all been ongoing, but that's wrapped up into this BCT piece.  And there's some installations, about 5,000. 

            If you add all that up, that comes out to about 80,000 that we're going to drop between now and F.Y. '17.  So that kind of puts it into context.  So the BCT reduction piece is just one small part of it.  

            But, again, this is pre-sequestration.  The chief talked about having to come down a little bit more.  In testimony, he's talked potentially 100,000.  That would include the active, the National Guard and the Reserve. 

            So with that, to give you a little bit more context, we're happy to take any questions that you have. 

            Q:  Sir, Tony Bertuca, Inside Defense. 

            Can you give us some granularity on the acquisition impact of this?  The chief said a moment ago that we would need fewer things, fewer GCVs, fewer JLTVs.  Could you tell us more about that? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Yeah, we're still working on it, as he said.  His answer to you was we're still working on it.  But if you take a 14 percent decrease overall in the Army, you can take a look at the major programs.  

            If you have X amount of trucks, X amount of different-type vehicles, you're going to have that many less people, then you're going to need that much less vehicles.

            So we will continue to work that.  So I can't give you an exact number on the acquisition.  But that'll impact all the different programs that apply to people in brigade combat teams. 

            Q:  Do you know when we'll start to see that impact? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Well, we're working really the '15-'19 budget piece, as he talked about.  And some of those will be impacted on that.  So many of those decisions will come here in the next couple months, as we put that budget forward.  You know, late summer-early fall time frame, probably, for most of those. 

            Q:  Sir, could you -- you mentioned you'd give us a quick tour of the non-BCT reductions, or the majority of it.  Could you sort of expand on, you know, where and why those things were cut, and what kinds of things?  Non-BCT covers a lot of the Army. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Yeah, it sure does. 

            I'll let Mike (inaudible) cover through that in a little bit more detail. 

            MAJOR GENERAL JOHN M. MURRAY:  So the TESI and the wartime allowance accounts, as you know, were temporary accounts.  It was -- it was end-strength without associated structure that we used basically to grow the Army in overmanned units to account for nondeployable soldiers.  So that is -- that is end-strength without structure. 

            The -- the TTHS account is a fixed percentage of our end-strength.  So if the end-strength is -- it's 13 percent is the figure we use.  So it's -- and that accounts for students, transients, soldiers in medical treatment facilities.  So if you come down from 570,000 to 490.000, that's where that figure came from.  It's just a reduction of that 13 percent in the final end-strength, so 13 percent of 490,000 versus 570,000. 

            For the rest of the non-BCT structure that's coming out is fundamentally associated with BCTs, so it's logistic structure, it's enablers, and then as part of the BCT restructuring -- and I can't remember if the chief mentioned this or not, and I'm pretty sure he did -- it's more than just the addition of a third maneuver battalion.  

            So in every one of our remaining BCTs we will convert the BSTB, the brigade support troops battalion, which is basically the administrative headquarters, into a brigade engineer battalion.  We'll add additional gap-crossing capability back to the BCT so they boat it across small obstacles, a breaching capability, and we'll add additional route clearance capability back into the BCT. 

            We'll also increase the fires capability.  I know he mentioned that.  But specifically we'll go from a 2X8 gun fires battalion to a 3X6. 

            So two additional guns, one additional battery to support the three maneuver battalions.  

            And then, in order to do that, some of the echelon above brigade structure, if you will, in terms of engineers, will have to be reorganized to provide that additional engineering capability to the -- to the BCT. 

            But fundamentally it's the enablers that are associated with the BCTs that we're talking about.  

            Q:  Does -- does this create some new overstrength or understrength MOSs, that you, if you're going to  build up fires, do you have enough of those people or do you have to find more of them?  And engineers, et cetera? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Well, at the same time we're coming down in -- in end-strength.  So, I mean, if you -- if you come down in end-strength without changing the structure at all, it's going to create automatically an under- or overstructured scenario. 

            In terms of specific MOSs, that's probably more of a G-1 answer, but I -- there is going to be some initial impacts, and I know the chief talked you through Fort Bragg as an example that the reconnaissance squad will have to move down from one of the remaining infantry BCTs.  And that's going to cause an MOS mismatch for at least a short period of time while we adjust the specific -- you know, whether we're overstrength or understrength in any specific MOS. 

            There will -- and I'm guessing here -- but there will probably be -- it will be necessary to look at some soldiers changing MOSs to meet the needs of the Army, but it will be an adjustment that can be made fairly quickly, but there will be some mismatches as we go into it. 

            Q:  When this is all said and done, will each of the ABCT, IBCT, S, will they be identical in makeup? 

            Is that the intention? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  They're identical in terms of the subordinate units.  They won't be exactly the same in terms of size. 

            Now, our Strykers have always had three maneuver battalions.  What they haven't had was a BSTB.  So we'll add a brigade engineer battalion to them. 

            And the difference in size, the armored BCT is going to be the largest, primarily because of its support tail that goes along with it, because of the additional maintenance logistics that goes along with an armored formation. 

            The Strykers are next.  And then the -- the straight-up infantry BCTs are next.  So in terms of size, what -- another thing the chief didn't talk about is there was some concern as we expanded, grew the size of the BCTs, in making them too big, making them too unwieldy and not flexible enough. 

            So we shot for a design of about an average of 4,500 per BCT.  The ABCTs are larger than that.  The Is and the Ss are smaller than that.  And on average, I think it's about right at 4,500 or just under 4,500, would be the new size for a BCT. 


            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  The ABCTs are larger than that.  The I's and the S's are smaller than that.  And on average, I think it's about right at 4,500 -- just under 4,500 would be the new size for BCT. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  New average size.

             MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  New average size. 

            Q:  Okay, some more numbers.  Just trying to put this -- today's announcement of the BCT changes, just as numbers, and setting aside the 80,000 overall reduction.  So the 17,700 reduction in the U.S., that's specific to this announcement?  So those are people who are not being reassigned within BCTs that are being eliminated?  Is that correct or no?  Do I have that wrong? 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  It's -- it's those 15 installations. 

            Q:  They'll be reduced by 17,700 total soldiers, right?  These are all...

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Over time; over -- between now and '17. 

            Q:  Okay.  And then do you -- sorry.

             MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  If I could, so that's at that installation.  So it may not necessarily come from that BCT.  It may be come from other unit on that installation. 

            Q:  Okay.  So, General Odierno talked about some of the soldiers who, in the eliminated BCT, would be absorbed into other... 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Right.           

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  Right. 

            Q:  Okay.  So I'm just trying to get a sense of how many this specific announcement.  And then -- do you have any numbers, even rough, on how many civilian jobs?  You mentioned that a lot of them will be eliminated because of this, but... 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  What he talked about was at each post, camp or station there's a certain number that you need all the time to continue to run that post.  So if you eliminated BCT, there will be a very small probably correlation between that.  Someplace like Fort Knox, he talked about, with HRC, you know, we've grown that about 4,000 civilians, and all 4,000 will continue to be there. 

            So we don't see a big reduction in the civilian piece just based on the BCT announcement. 

            Q:  Okay.  So that -- and that's throughout the entire country (inaudible). 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Right. 

            Q:  Thank you. 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  And a little bit of sense on the numbers you're talking about.  I'll go back to Bragg as the example the chief used.  So, in (inaudible) -- I got the wrong (inaudible) -- 4/82 up there on the far right-hand corner.  So -- and if your battalion is 660, so 660 times two will move down to 1st -- let's say 1st and 2nd Brigade.  A reconnaissance squadron is about 475.  That will move down.  And then some of fires and some of the engineering capability and some of the logistics will move down. 

            So you're already up to almost half, or better than half the size of the brigade will actually be reinvested back on that installation.  

            Q:  So despite the fact that you're eliminating all these BCTs, the actual number of soldiers who will be, presumably by -- mainly by choice or by their own volunteering, that will be eliminated from the Army because of this is actually small in comparison (inaudible). 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  It is.  And I do this for a living, so excuse me if I get a little bit too much in the weeds.  But I mean, you're really talking end-strength.  You're talking faces.  Okay?  And what -- what we're dealing with here is authorization.  So it's spaces.  It's 490,000 at end-state spaces available to put a soldier against.  

            So, the Army is going to come -- I mean, we've been told to come down to 490,000.  We've already started coming down to 490,000.  So whether we change the structure or not, we're going to end up with 490,000 soldiers.  And what this is about is adjusting the structure to match the -- the faces, if you will, the spaces to the faces.  

            Because if you don't do that, you end up with over-structure and you end up with units being manned at 60, 70, 75 percent.  So you have a whole bunch of unready units because we can't man them to the strength that we need to man them.  And you automatically end up with a hollow and unready Army. 

            Q:  Do you think that the average BCT size we'll be able to say is about 4,500 in 2015 or 2016, or when? 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  By the end of '17.  

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  So just some numbers-wise.  And Mike  [Maj. Gen. Murray] talked about Fort Bragg.  So in 2012, the end-strength was 42,735.  That's just the active.  That's 7.5 percent of the active on that installation.  In 2017 when this is done, it will down to about 40,186.  But the percent of the active on the installation goes up about 8.2 percent.  So that kind of lays it out. 

            We can provide all these numbers afterwards by (inaudible). 

            Q:  Okay.

            Q:  Do you know how many soldiers will have to move as a result of this? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  You mean off of a post? 

            Q:  Yes. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  No.  I mean, we've got to work through that, as Mike said, but the chief talked about, again, if you take a look at the map, all the places where there's a circle, that means it's going to reorganize.  And (inaudible) is on that base.  So the majority of that will stay on that post, but we'll have to add some.  Some places, you have to -- some will obviously have to move.  

            Fort Knox, you talked about -- that's not really reorganization.  That BCT will come out. 

            Q:  Your environmental assessment said that you anticipated no more than 8,000 would be moved or 8,000 would be cut from a post? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  (Inaudible). 

            Q:  Now that you're done with all this, is that how you think it's going to end up? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL :  (inaudible) 

            Q:  Less than 8,000 (inaudible).

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  No, the -- what you said up front.  So really -- and Jim signed the (inaudible) that really talked about no really significant impact based on that study. 

            Q:  Thank you.  Kristina Wong, Washington Times. 

            I was just wondering what the thinking was behind these cuts.  Was it just based on the 2012 defense strategic guidance?  Are there -- were there any other guiding principles about where the Army's headed?  And, you know, what went behind these types of cuts and types of brigade combat teams that you (inaudible)?

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Well, there're a lot of decision factors that went into it.  And, again, the chief talked a little bit about courses of action (inaudible) won't go into great detail.  We can do that offline if you want.  But the staff worked up 10 different courses of action for the chief and the secretary of the Army.  Narrowed that down over a process of time. 

            Mike's (inaudible) for about 14, 15 months.  He's been working on that for the last 14, 15 months.            

            Narrow it down here, the last several months, about three different courses of action.  And brought those into the chief and the secretary (inaudible) as they continue to go through this (inaudible) couple weeks made that decision after we got all the factors based on the listening sessions that we did (inaudible) based on the impact from the programmatic environmental assessment. 

            We looked at really minimizing MILCON.  The chief talked about that upfront, and that we couldn't bring down the Army and then ask the Army to put money at different (inaudible) stations.  And he talked about potentially $400 million of MILCON that we deferred and that we're going to be able to save because we don't have to put that other places. 

            We really had to take a look at the defense planning guides that came out here a year plus.  Look at the rebalance specifics (inaudible).  We wanted to retain a proper mix of the BCTs.  We talked about the thousands of hours of analysis the track went through, the different models we went through.  So that factored into it. 

            We also looked at, you know, what's going to happen at each post, camp, station, (inaudible) and communities, tied all that in.  Economic impact came into there.  A lot of different factors that make up this military value analysis.  If -- if you need more on that Mike can go into that. 

            So those are all common decision factors that tied into that piece. 

            But again, really have to stress, this is pre-sequestration.  As he talked about, if we continue on the path that we're on, we're going to have to eliminate several more potential brigade combat teams on the active and the National Guard and Reserve will have to come down a commensurate level as well if we look through that. 

            Q:  Several more as in, like, 3ish?

             GEN. CAMPBELL:  I don't have that number.  You know, 100,000.  You saw in this piece we said 80,000 are coming out, out of the BCTs based on the temporary end-strength, the wartime allowance (inaudible) that 17,700 really came out of the BCTs.  Next time -- that was kind of a -- we'd have force structure against it, so that gave us a little bit to play with there.  As we moved to the next level -- again, if we continue on full sequestration, we don't have that kind of wedge that we can work around.  So everything's going to have to come out straight.  And those numbers, I think, will be much higher. 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  And the next time around there won't be the opportunity to reorganize to offset some of the losses on installations.  They'll just be straight out eliminations the next time. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Yeah, that's a very key point. 

            Q:  Excuse me.  Make sure -- this is (inaudible) one point we're saying, 'Oh, we're going to cut eight BCTs.'  Now we're saying, you know, 12 to 13.  But it's not the number of people going?  It's just -- it's main impact simply you're taking away flags at a greater rate than you might have once because you're -- thought -- because you're making the brigades bigger.  So therefore you reduce the number of flags (inaudible) to get the same amount of people out.  That's... 


            Q:  ... saying that but basically... 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  You make it more capable.  You know, that eight number came out on initial assessment.  That was part of looking at reorganization. And as the chief and the secretary made those decisions, I think the chief covered a lot of reasons -- I'll let Jim talk to that -- on why two verse three battalion.  But based on that we have the ability to make the brigades more capable, but we're getting rid of a lot of the headquarters, the 06-level headquarters, so that tooth-to-tail goes down. 

            And so we think it'll be a much more capable force.  He and all the (inaudible) here feel very -- very capable that -- or feel very good that (inaudible) still meet all the defense planning guidance and the -- the task that we have based on our headquarters. 


             LIEUTENANT GENERAL JAMES L. HUGGINS:  Well, the specifics of it.  I mean, consider we had 45 BCTs before this.  That was 98 battalions.  By this reorganization we went to 33 and we still retain 95 combat battalions. 

            If we would have... 

            Q:  (OFF-MIC) 

            LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  Right.

             And if we would have just done it without reorganizing, we'd actually have only 82 battalions. 


             LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  So it -- it really was, like -- like the chief mentioned kind of reduce headquarters tooth to tail, increase capability in terms of being able to execute the defense planning guidance (inaudible) missions. 

            Q:  By reducing headquarters, it sounds like you won't have to divest of a lot of equipment, picking MRAPs, you know, weapons, things like that?  Can you give us a better sense of how much you're going to keep, how much you're thinking you have to divest?  And adding fires and engineering capabilities to each brigade, is there a possibility there of having to buy more of that equipment to keep these brigades manned? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Well, there ain't a whole bunch of buying equipment.  (Laughter.) 

            So there won't be much -- we'll be divesting a lot more equipment. 

            We've got -- also we talked a little bit about Afghanistan.  You know, we've got $28 billion worth of equipment in Afghanistan; $22 billion we need to bring back.  That's why the retrograde out of Afghanistan over the next year-and-a-half is very, very critical to the future of our Army.  So, we won't be buying a whole bunch of stuff. 

            Now, we will continue to -- the balance piece on the modernization is very, very key.  So if we want to be able to maintain -- sustain what we have and modernize as we move forward, we've got to invest a little bit in our S&T.  But at the same time, we've got to be able to put some money in those programs.  So you'll see that happening as well. 

            Q:  Carl Osgood with Executive Intelligence Review. 

            I get -- I'm just a little bit confused that you're retaining 95 battalions and 33 BCTs, and you're mainly reducing headquarters.  How -- where does the savings come from doing that?  I just can't see it. 

            LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  Those are the numbers that the vice chief mentioned up front.  Looking at our wartime allowance, our end-strength overages, we've made all the (inaudible) the transient (inaudible) transfer.  All those factors added -- the non-brigade combat team deductions -- it's math, but it all adds up. 

            Q:  So most of the savings come from the non-BCT reductions? 

            LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  Well, the highest percentage -- 17,700 -- I mean, that's -- that's out of the BCTs.  That's the largest aggregate of that number.  

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  But remember what Mike -- what General Murray said was that the TESI, you know, that -- that did not have structure associated with that.  So that's just straight loss of the people.  The same thing with the wartime allowance; that didn't have structure associated with that.  The TTHS, that doesn't have structure associated with that. 

            So 22,000, 7.3K, 10.3K -- if you went from 5 -- if you add those up right there, that will bring down not quite 50 percent, but that's all without structure.  Everything after that takes out structure. 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  And the BCT reductions are the biggest structure pieces -- the headquarters and the three battalions. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  And then the key, though, on again pre-sequestration, if we make additional cuts, we don't have those areas right there that we can take that out of.  It's going to be all structure with the people. 

            LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  It is a great question, though.  We've had -- we've had -- it just doesn't become intuitive and we've had to answer it several times. 

            Q:  How would you explain to a soldier in the 4th or the 1st Infantry Division or the 3rd and the 4th Infantry Division why his brigade?  How did you pick which brigade within those divisions to cut?

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Well, those -- those circles are basically picking a brigade that's going to have to reorganize.  That's -- and for the most part, those -- leadership of each of those post, camps or stations will be able to sit down.  And we will meet and have a SVTC later this afternoon (inaudible) with all the senior mission commanders at the posts, camps or stations. 

            Again, they're getting a lot of this information today, just as you are.  And so we will lay out the methodology to how we came down and how we're going to come down.  We'll show them which brigades.  And really, we're looking at the type of brigade, whether it's a an IBCT, a Stryker or heavy.  

            We say 4th Brigade, 82nd.  If the commander of FORSCOM, Dan Allyn, came back and said, "Hey, for these reasons, 4th Brigade shouldn't come out.  It ought to be 3rd Brigade," then we'll take a look at that.  A brigade is a brigade in that -- in that place.  And what we'll do, though, is we'll -- as we grew the Army, you know, we've grown these regimental associations.  We'll try to retain as many of the regimental colors as we can. 

            So for instance, at Fort Bragg, if it is 482, that's the 508th.  Probably a battalion 1508 will go to 1st Brigade, which is a 504.  The 2nd of 508th will go to the 2nd Brigade, which is 325.  And that (inaudible) will come out, that's a 73rd Cav Squadron, and that'll go to the 3rd Brigade. 

            And we'll try to maintain those regimental colors, but we will have to get rid of one of the brigade colors.  And that would probably be the 4th Brigade (inaudible). 

            Q:  So two years from now it might not be the 3rd Brigade or the 4th, or the 4th Brigade of the 82nd?  Are those firm decisions on which one you're taking away? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Right now, based on all the information we have, those are firm decisions on those brigades.  Those circles under those numbers are the one, yeah.  

            Q:  I'm sorry.  I'd just like to hear a little bit more about why that brigade or why this brigade, or why not the one next to it? 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  Fundamentally, it's tied to the 12, 14 and 7.  So you -- you kind of establish what it is you want in terms of the Army mix, and that kind of limits what you can go to. 

            We also looked at installation capabilities in terms of, like, Fort Bliss, let's take for example.  Fort Bliss has great training facilities.  I would -- I would argue that its armor capability training facilities are probably premier of just about anyplace in the Army.  So we maximize the armor Stryker capability at Bliss.  And we had to take something at Bliss. 

            You know, in the MILCON discussions -- interesting MILCON discussions -- probably a good time to start it here, too.  So let's take Fort Bliss.  And so I get the question all the time is:  How -- how can you talk about MILCON if you're talking about getting smaller? 

            But with the Stryker at Bliss, is already a three battalion design, the two armored battalions -- or brigades, if you added a battalion to that, that's 603 soldiers.  And the light is a 660-soldier battalion.  So you're almost up to 1,900, not even counting the fires and the engineering.  So that's where the MILCON (inaudible) comes into. 

            So the multi BCT installations, if -- if one of your driving factors is MILCON, you're almost forced to look at those first.  So we looked at the multi BCT installations.  And then what drove us basically was the 12, 14  and 7 .  And like General Campbell was saying, if the CG of the 82nd or General Allyn comes back and says three instead of four, we would absolutely consider that... 


            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  ... as long as it's the same type of -- of BCT. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  It's got to be the same BCT type. 

            So, I mean, easily you can just go back and, say at Fort Campbell, and that 4th Brigade was the last one as we grew the Army, that's the first one that would come out.  At Fort Bragg, the 4th Brigade of the 82nd was the last one (inaudible) the Army, that would be the first one to come out.  Part of that was put into it.           

            But really we're working with the commanders to make sure (inaudible) understand all those dynamics to make those changes. 

            Part of how we do this -- and the chief talked really about starting in '14 going through '17.  If sequestration's going to stay the way it is, we're probably going to have to speed that up.  But let's say that the 4th Brigade of the 101st is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan, right, we would -- and we got to continue to reorganize, and we probably have to go to another brigade.  So that's been factored into that right now.  But, again, that's a very dynamic situation we'll continue to move. 

            So the ones that you have circles on, again, are the ones that we're designating today.  And we will have a video teleconference with all the senior commanders to flesh that out.  If there's changes, we'll come back to you.  But I feel very confident the brigades that (inaudible) now are probably the ones that will be reorganized as we move forward. 

            MAJ. GEN. MURRAY:  And the chief also mentioned (inaudible) the chief also mentioned that we're still looking at mix in terms of how many armored, how many Stryker, how many infantry.  

            The one thing I'd say is the way we would do that is if (inaudible) say that I think the number he said for armored is 10, and we're still looking at it, so I'm not absolutely sure that's the final number.  We would change that type of BCT on that installation.  So it's not like we would move a BCT from one installation to another to accomplish that.  

            So the BCT numbers on the installation would remain constant.  We just change the type of BCT on that installation. 

            COL. PATTERSON:  We have time for one more question. 


            Q:  Just a quick one.  The -- the last BCT that you haven't announced yet that's going to be eliminated, what -- what kind is that?  And why is it that the other -- the others were announced today and that there's one that's left out? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  That's a good question.  We got to continue to work through that. 

            We took a (inaudible) the chief talked a little bit about military value analysis.  If you want, we can stay behind afterward and I can have Mike give you a quick 'and here's how BCTs rank order.'  That's only one piece of the pie.  We take that and take all the other different things and we evaluate it as we go into there. 

            But there's other factors (inaudible) that impact some of those BCTs.  We figured right now 10 is all that we can really announce with certainty.  We've got some other things to work through before we announce the one more.  But we're committed.  To really balance the Army we have to get to 32 BCTs. 

            Q:  (inaudible) last one to also be U.S.-based? 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  We're working through that right now.  We're working through that. 

            And we've already taken two out of Europe.  They'll finish up this year.  We're committed to the rebalance in Asia-Pacific.  You've seen where that's at. 

            The other thing on numbers wise -- and -- and Jim just pointed out to me -- we have several going to three maneuver battalions.  There will be some that will probably come on late.  So Alaska, Italy and Hawaii, the brigades that are there will continue to stay at two.  And if we move those to three that'll be way late in the FYDP based on MILCON, based on some other money issues. 

            So if you add up 32 and times it by you'll get the numbers we talked about, or 33. 


            LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  Other than the Strykers, which will... 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  Right. 

            LT. GEN. HUGGINS:  ... there in the Pacific will remain at (inaudible). 

            COL. PATTERSON:  (OFF-MIC) closing comments. 

            GEN. CAMPBELL:  I just appreciate -- appreciate the great questions.  Again, as the chief talked about, we know that this impacts every post, camp or station.  We're taking 40 percent -- 14 percent of the active component out of -- out of the force structure here.  So we've been very cautious.  We've tried to take in all of those factors out there.  We've gone to every post, camp or station and listened to the concerns of the people there.  We've run different models on this.  We've tested it.  We feel very confident (inaudible) the announcements made today.  And those 10 BCTs, we spread that the best that we can. 

            But, again, very cautious that this is pre-sequestration.  This is all based on the Budget Control Act of 2011.  We still have some work to do on the force mix.  And so the numbers you heard the chief talk about for armored, for the infantrymen Strykers will probably adjust and that number will go from 32 to 33, and we'll continue to be -- work through that.  And as soon as we make those decisions we'll make sure that you're informed as well. 

            I appreciate your great questions.  Thanks very much.


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