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09/09/2015 07:10 AM CDT


Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work; Oystein Bo, Secretary of State for the Norwegian Ministry of Defence; Jan Salestrand, Swedish State Secretary to the Minister for Defence; Lars Findsen, Permanent Secretary of State, Danish Ministry of Defence; Major General Esa Pulkkinen, head, Defense Policy Department, Finnish Ministry of Defence; and Hermann Ingolfsson, Director General of International and Security Affairs, Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs

September 9, 2015

Remarks by Deputy Defense Secretary Work at Nordic Deputies Meeting at the Norwegian Ministry of Defense, Oslo, Norway

STAFF:  Welcome to you all.


      We have only 25 minutes, and it will not be time for individual interviews afterwards.  So after a short comments from four of our panelists, you can ask the questions.


      So I have the pleasure to introduce the panel.


      First of all, I have the pleasure to present to you our American guest, Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work.


      Next to him, state secretary for the ministry of defense in Sweden, Jan Salestrand, from Denmark, Secretary General Lars Findsen, from Finland, Major General Esa Pulkkinen, from Iceland, Ambassador Hermann Ingolfsson and at last, our own deputy minister of defense, Oystein Bo.  I'll pass the word to him.




      We have today gathered here in Oslo for  Nordic-U.S. consultations.  We have discussed important security issues for the Northern Region which is the changed security landscapein Europe following Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Eastern Ukraine


      We -- the Nordic countries, we share a Western interest in the gaining stability and improved cooperation in the region.


      We all have good bilateral relation with the United States.  As either allies or as partners through NATO, United States and Nordic countries are continuously developing our defense forces  and exploring how we can further deepen our cooperation, which is also something we have discussed today.


      This meeting has been an important one, so – in this respect.  It's the first time we meet in this format -- to exchange views on security situation in Nordic region and to explore the possibilities for joint cooperation.


      So I'm pleased to be joined here today by my colleagues from all the Nordic countries and not least by U.S. Deputy Secretary Bob Work.  The U.S. long-term commitment to European security especially the High North is important to us, and Secretary Work's visit is definitely a clear sign of that engagements and. 


      And on that note, I would like to pass the floor to Bob Work.




      Good afternoon everybody.  It's great to be here.  (off mic) Mr. State Secretary, I want to thank, first of all, you and the minister for the warm hospitality that you showed us this morning and also [for] this glorious weather.  It’s quite beautiful, and Oslo is quite a beautiful city, and I'm glad my wife and I had an opportunity to walk around last night.  Quite something.


      NATO faces threats on three of its flanks -- in the south, to the east and to the north.


      Secretary [of Defense] Ash Carter recently visited Germany and focused, along his counterparts, on more or less the eastern threat.  And the purpose of my trip is to meet with the Nordic counterparts so that I can get a better understanding of the challenges that they face in the High North and the Arctic and the Baltics.


      Now, as Secretary Carter says, if a country can be judged by the friends it has and the company it keeps, then I think the United States is very fortunate indeed.


      I came here to listen to my counterparts this afternoon about the very fluid security environment that they face, from Russian activities in the High North to the crisis of displaced persons in the south.  And listening to them has given me a great deal of insight.


      I spend a lot of time in the Pentagon working on U.S. programs, and so when I have an opportunity to get outside of the Pentagon and have interactions with my colleagues, it's extremely helpful to me.


      And much of our discussions focus on the changing geopolitical security environment in Europe after Russia's aggressive behavior in Crimea and Ukraine and the challenge that it presents for all of us in Europe and in the United States.


      And as Secretary Carter has said, we want to approach Russia in a very strong and balanced manner, and I wanted to talk with our counterparts to see their thoughts on this.


      And I just wanted to highlight that the High North and the north region is absolutely critical to both European and Trans-Atlantic security.  The United States values the partnerships that we have in this region, both through NATO and bilaterally and some of the strongest we have.  And the close regional cooperation that I heard this morning between the Nordic countries gives me great, great confidence that we'll be able to meet any challenge together.


      It is my pleasure to meet them all and understand the prerogatives, perspectives and threats in the region and –the way we work forward to mitigate them.


      So I'd just like to, again, thank our Norwegian hosts for such great hospitality, and I look forward to your questions.




      Well, we have, as we all know, a very complicated situation according to security in the world, in Europe, but also in our own region.  And we have been working together now in the Nordic context, and we are doing that, focusing to -- to try to do things together and try to do things better.


      In that context, I would say that the U.S. presence in our region is of great value and I'll say crucial.  So that for I have found it very, very interesting and important today to get the possibility to the highest leadership from -- from the United States and to discuss the challenges, to discuss different ways of use of the security in Europe.  Thank you.


      (LARS FINDSEN, PERMANENT SECRETARY OF STATE, DANISH MINISTRY OF DEFENCE):  Thank you – I want to -- to thank my European Union (EU) colleague for arranging this -- (inaudible).


      (Inaudible) Nordic cooperation is -- longstanding tradition we have for -- (inaudible) -- cooperation in Nordic -- among Nordic countries.  We have cooperated – a lot but there is still more potential to explore and -- (inaudible) in the years to come.


      We discussed important security topics today.  We discussed challenges of the east -- we discussed ISIL extremists – challenge of – we committed to being a part of facing those challenges, whether it comes to reassuring our commitments regarding the challenges we have in the east -- we -- we -- we -- we – contribute strongly to (inaudible) – the challenge of the ISIL issue, the -- (inaudible) issue, Iraq.  (inaudible) – a strong contributor.


      What it takes to be a part of -- of the country, there were some issues.  It takes – problems we face, it seems to -- (inaudible) -- defense forces that are the problem -- (inaudible) -- to actually use (inaudible). Thank you


      STAFF:  Thank you so much.


      We're open for question now.  And I kindly ask you to say your name and which media outlet you represent.


      Q:  Hi.  (inaudible) with Bloomberg News.


      Mr. Work, I just wanted to ask you, the topic of the day really is the E.U. migrant crisis.  I just wanted to hear your thoughts on that and whether – that is a security risk.


      MR. WORK:  I believe it’s not a security risk in -- in the sense of national defense, but it's certainly a national-security risk in terms of the total number of people who happen to be flooding into the Southern Front of NATO. 


      And as I said, we -- we have a problem on each of the three fronts, and that is by far and away the largest problem on the Southern Front.  It's something that we are very interested in working with our NATO allies and other countries in the region to try to figure the best way to approach this problem.


      Q:  Do you know if the U.S. has any plans to take any of the asylum seekers?


      MR. WORK:  I'm sorry?


      Q:  Do you know if the U.S. has plans to take any of the asylum seekers?


      MR. WORK:  I don't know, not specifically, no.  That hasn't been -- I know this is being discussed – with response to -- along with our NATO allies.  But I know of no specific plans.


      Q:  If I may just ask one quick question more.  How do you feel about Sweden and Finland potentially joining NATO?


      MR. WORK:  Well, Sweden -- Sweden and Finland, as you can see on this, through the North Defense Cooperation Forum, are very essential to all of the problems that we face in the High North. But whether or not they decide to join NATO is a -- a decision for the people of their country and for their governments.


      I would like to say that we believe we have a very strong and close bilateral relationship with both countries.  We're very interested in their views on defense, but as far as NATO themselves, again, I'd just like to reiterate that is a decision for their governments to make. 


      Q:  (inaudible), Russian Newswire Agency.


      Both of U.S. and Russia as a player has been concerned about increasing military presence and intelligence activity in the Arctic.  And for many years – High North has been a region for peaceful cooperation, which still keep hearing from American, Russian, Norwegian officials that is going to be the case and that has to be the case. 


      (Inaudible), for example, has said that there is no  reason to feel concerned regarding Russian -- (inaudible) -- in the region.


      So is the security situation in the Baltic not a concern?  Is there any danger of a potential conflict -- (inaudible) – and I would most be interested in hearing U.S. and Norwegian views of (inaudible).


      (UNKNOWN):  (inaudible) --




      MR. WORK:  Let me start then.


      As -- as far as -- there is a lot more activity going on in the High North than we have seen in the past several years, both in terms of aviation activity, and we had a very fruitful discussion this morning on how these things, you know, could potentially cause a problem over time.


      Russia's made clear its interest in the Arctic, and our interests are like I believe all of my colleagues':  that we would like to keep the Arctic non-militarized to the point -- as much as possible, and that all nations can benefit from it.  We do not want to see some type of big security competition in that region.


      But it is clear that, as activities increase, and as each of our armed services that are operating -- interact with each other, we just don't want to see any problems or miscalculations or accidents.


      STAFF:  Can you please repeat your short question for the minister?


      Q:  Is downplay any reason to feel concerned about the security situation in the Artic region.  The U.S. is saying it's concerned about the increase in Russian military activity.  Russia is saying it's concerned about the increase of the U.S. military and intelligence activity in the region.


      So what is your, the Norwegian, take on that?


      BO):  We don't see any direct threat to our security in the High North.  We -- we notice the activity that's going on.  We follow it closely.  But as of now, we don't see any direct threat.  And that -- we very much agree with the secretary with the Deputy Secretary of Defense that we all have an interest on a -- (inaudible) Russia.


      In the (inaudible) in the Arctic and the High North as a region of stability (inaudible) international cooperation and (inaudible).


      STAFF:  Up there.


      (UNKNOWN):  The governments that -- to what the U.S. and other people say, and you talked a little bit about it but keeping in mind that you want to turn all this -- (inaudible).


      Is it available to you to make all the Northern countries to be a part of NATO alliances in order to (inaudible) -- keeping part of Russia and (inaudible)?


      (WORK):  As I said, though, before, we've value partnerships, and partnerships come in different forms.  Partnerships come in treaty alliances, but also bilateral agreements between countries and cooperation.


      In this case, this body has both NATO allies, as well as non-NATO allies, but we all have a shared interest in peace and stability in the Baltics and the High North.  And so the – Nordic Defense Cooperation forum is a very innovative way for countries to -- non-NATO and NATO to get together to describe, or to discuss, common security problems.


      So I believe this partnership is strong, and, as I said, the decision of any country to join NATO is up to their country and their people.


      (UNKNOWN):  But do you think you -- do you think it would be easier to work with other countries if all of them were a part of -- (inaudible)?


      (UNKNOWN):  No, not necessarily.  As I said, I think we have extremely strong bilateral interchanges with both Sweden and Finland.  We very much respect their positions and their capabilities in the region, and working closely together with them – and through fora like the Nordic Defense Cooperation Forum -- we believe that we can work together.


      And whether or not in becomes more formal over time is entirely up to those countries.


      STAFF:  One more question if I may on another topic.  In a few days Norway's getting the first F-35(Alpha Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.  Can you give us just a little bit of your hearings on that) – and (implications?) on Norwegian defense?


      MR. WORK:  Well, interoperability, -- and Norway -- well, let me start it this way.  I just left Iceland, and the Danish had an F-16.  They were doing the NATO air surveillance there.  Norway operates F-16s.  Finland operates F-18s.


      Interoperability is something that we very much value in our partnerships, and the F-35 shows a commitment by Norway to have among the best capabilities that it can possibly have.  We welcome it, we look forward to working with them once they have that platform. 


      But all of these nations have Air Forces.  And our Air Force routinely works with and – we value and gain as much from our interaction with them that I hope they can earn from interacting with us.


      STAFF:  More questions or --


      Q:  (inaudible).


      Two questions for Mr. Work, just about Syria.  What can -- will the U.S. do to solve the conflict with Syria?


      And the second question about Ukraine -- is it true that U.S. now can accept the kind of (inaudible) -- conflict in Ukraine, and what are the prospects for a solution in Ukraine?


      Thank you.


      MR. WORK:  Let me take the second one first.  We continue to call upon Russia to stop its destabilizing actions and to honor the Minsk commitments.


      We would like to see Ukraine whole again, and we would like to have peace and stability in that part of Europe.  So we will continue to work with our European allies.


      We would like to see Ukraine whole again.  And we would like to have peace and stability in that part of Europe.  So we will continue to work with our European allies.  Right now, we believe the right way is through sanctions and diplomacy.  But we will continue to be very strong and hopefully be able to keep that from spreading.


      As far as Syria, it's not for the United States to solve this problem; this is a problem for all nations, and we are working hard with different -- (inaudible) -- communities to try to draw and end to that very, very, very troubling conflict.


      It's very -- Russia has its interest in Syria.  NATO has its interest, because a lot of the displaced people are moving through Libya and into the Southern front of Europe.  It's in all of our interest to try to bring a diplomatic end to that senseless war.


      Q:  Hi.  Chris Cavas, Defense News.


      Two days ago, the Russian typhoon ballistic missile submarine Demetrie Donskoi left its Northern fleet port.  And press reports has it headed for the Eastern Mediterranean. Prime Minister Bo, is Norway making any special effort to track the submarine as it moves around your coast and has Norway in general increased its maritime surveillance and patrol mission over the past year or two?


      And I have a follow-up.


      SEC. BO:  (inaudible) on maritime surveillance.  We are –- we continue to follow activity in our waters and we are aware (inaudible).


      Q:  Are you making a special effort for this submarine?


      SEC. BO:  We were always making a special effort.  We -- we -- we -- our thing is,  it's good enough, acting enough to do that job as it is today.


      Q:  I've heard -- I've been to this region before this year and particularly in Sweden, and I'm aware that in the Baltic itself, the level of concern about Russian activity is pretty high.


      I've also heard that Norway is -- is sensitive to being referred to as "alarmed by the Russians."  So I guess when -- with -- with this group up here -- with Iceland, with Finland, with Denmark and Sweden and the U.S. -- is Norway comfortable with being characterized as having the same level of concern about Russian military activities as this group?  Or is there any different distinction to be made?


      SEC. BO:  I think we -- we're – all kind of same level of concern.  I think if -- if you look back in March, there was a – Joint (inaudible) -- from the -- the -- (inaudible) defense ministers.  It's voicing the same concern that -- that (we're all fine ?).


      And we are seeing a different situation – in the North -- as you will see it in -- in the Baltic Sea, but we're still in a situation where we have – increased capabilities.  We end up with less  -- (inaudible) -- Ukraine, and that, of course, gave them reason to -- to follow the situation closely.


      But we don't have any difference in views on those concerns.


      Thank you.


      STAFF:  Thank you.  You want a closing remark, Mr. Work?


      MR. WORK:  Well, again, I'm glad to thank our hosts for having this, and I'd like to thank my colleagues.  This has been an extremely fruitful morning for me.


      I often describe my job as the deputy secretary as the tethered goat in Jurassic Park.  (Laughter.)  I don't get to leave the Pentagon very often, and when I do, I the (inaudible) the values and (inaudible) views. It's very, very helpful for me.


      And again, I would like to congratulate all my colleagues.  I think the Nordic Defense Cooperation Forum that they have started is an example of how countries with like mind can get together to solve a common security issue.


      STAFF:  Thank you.  Thank you.



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