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07/10/2017 08:49 PM CDT

Presenter: Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis; Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed July 10, 2017

Remarks by Secretary Mattis at an Honor Cordon Welcoming Tunisian Prime Minister Chahed to the Pentagon

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JIM MATTIS: Prime Minister Chahed, let me welcome you to the Pentagon. This is a great privilege for us to have the head of state be here. And I'd like to begin by saying happy birthday to his Excellency.

TUNISIAN PRIME MINISTER YOUSSEF CHAHED: Thank you very much. (Laughter.)

SEC. MATTIS: So it makes it a doubly good day for us here.

P.M. CHAHED: Thank you.

SEC. MATTIS: Prime Minister, seeing you today, I'm reminded of 2011, when the Tunisian people made their voices heard for dignity and for freedom. And your country's response has set conditions for the new constitution, new laws, free elections, and freedom of the press, that provide the security and stability that continues to this day. We have great respect for your country and for your commitment to stability and economic development, which we recognize is key to your country's future.

You're setting an example to the entire African continent, and certainly to the world, about how a country can change and improve the lot of their people. And as you've persuasively said, ensuring economic prosperity while combating corruption is, and I quote you here -- is "important for the security of Tunisia." The connection -- you make it right there, right up front in your statements, and it's also critical in the global fight against terrorism, since it removes the very conditions that draw people to that sort of outcome.

And I think that worldwide events have given proof to your statement, but thank you for the capable and reliable support you provide to the defeat ISIS coalition, 68 nations and four international institutions united in common purpose against terrorism. Tunisia remains a capable and invested counterterrorism partner. And I agree when you say terror today no longer has a nationality.

Your efforts, sir, to combat smuggling, terrorist financing, and cross-border activities deny ISIS and other violent extremist groups a safe haven. And we in the U.S. Department of Defense are proud to stand alongside you, shoulder to shoulder in our shared fight against threats to freedom. And we salute you for your fight against ISIS and Al-Qaida.

You've set an example for a more promising tomorrow. That example of Tunisia's commitment to peace and stability stands in stark contrast, for example, to the brutal North Korean regime, a nation that holds its own citizens hostage. Even a new democracy like Tunisia has much to offer on the world stage, a fact we will remember as we celebrate Republic Day later this month.

Today, Prime Minister Chahed and I will discuss security cooperation in three areas: counterterrorism, building intelligence capabilities, and border security. This is a nation that we can learn from. Tunisia, bordering Libya, could be in similar throes but for the successes of your country in the counterterrorism fight. I look forward to strengthening our defense relationship and helping your government bolster security across the region.

Prime Minister Chahed, again, we are honored to have you with us today. If you'd like to make a few comments in the presence of the press, sir.

P.M. CHAHED: Yes. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm deeply honored to be at the Pentagon today and I would like to extend Tunisia's thanks to you, Mr. Secretary of Defense, for the warm welcome and for the opportunity to meet and to exchange views on matters of -- with you’re interested in. As you mentioned, Tunisia is in the front line of the war against the terrorists and we realized the concrete and successful results.

And as a major ally of the United States and an active member of the coalition -- the global coalition against ISIS, we are totally committed in this war and we are here to try to reinforce and to further develop and intensify our military cooperation with United States in order to eradicate terrorism, in order to eradicate extremists for a peaceful and free world.

SEC. MATTIS: Thank you very much, Mr. Prime Minister. Again, this is going to be a very productive day. We're 100 percent aligned with the words you just said. Thank you very much.

P.M. CHAHED: Thank you, thank you.

SEC. MATTIS: And thank you, members of the press.

Q: Mr. Secretary, with the liberation of Mosul, what are the -- what's the role of U.S. troops going to be now?

SEC. MATTIS: The -- as the prime minister mentioned, the fight goes on and we are out to eradicate terrorism as a threat to peaceful societies and harmony in the world. So we -- the fight will continue.

Thank you very much, everyone.
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