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Adapting NATO intelligence

Adapting NATO intelligence

The Allies are fundamentally adapting how NATO organises and analyses intelligence in response to the challenging threat environment posed by an assertive Russia and the rise of terrorism and instability in the south. Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, NATO’s first Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security, explains. Read more

Adapting NATO intelligence in support of “One NATO”

Adapting NATO intelligence in support of “One NATO”

NATO stood up its new Joint Intelligence and Security Division earlier this year, headed up by Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven. He explains why this is the most significant reform in the history of Allied intelligence. Read more

NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

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