Secretary General discusses NATO-Russia Council

The NATO-Russia Council met on Thursday (26 October 2017) in Brussels, for the third time this year. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who chaired the meeting, noted that Allies and Russia had an open and useful exchange on three topics: Ukraine, Afghanistan and transparency and risk reduction. "Our dialogue is not easy, but that is exactly why our dialogue is so important," he stressed.


NATO Ambassadors visit the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics


NATO Secretary General: Bosnia and Herzegovina is a highly valued NATO partner






Mens sana in corpore sano - Sport and leisure at work

To improve muscle tone and community spirit in the "NATO village", Secretary General Luns supports the construction of a sport and leisure centre. Enjoy the fashion show and other activities from the opening day!


Combating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

Sexual violence has been used as a tactic of war across the globe for centuries and is still prevalent in today's armed conflicts, which increasingly target civilians. Two experts at the Norwegian Defence Command and Staff College take a look at what more can be done to combat Conflict-Related Sexual Violence.


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