Statement by the North Atlantic Council on the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

For 30 years, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty has been crucial to Euro-Atlantic security. By removing an entire class of U.S. and Russian weapons – ground-launched intermediate-range missiles – the Treaty has contributed to strategic stability and reduced the risk of miscalculation leading to conflict. As such, full compliance with the INF Treaty is essential and we remain fully committed to the preservation of this landmark arms control treaty.


NATO Secretary General welcomes stronger European defence, stresses need for complementarity


NATO Annual Report on Gender Perspectives in Allied Armed Forces: progress made in pre-deployment training and work-life balance






Zapad 2017 and Euro-Atlantic security

The increasing size and complexity of Russia's annual strategic and snap exercises, in particular the Western-oriented ZAPAD series, underscores the need for Allies to ensure full and timely implementation of the strengthened deterrence and defence measures.


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