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APRIL 2018 

Security and strength through partnership

Security and strength through partnership

This week NATO Review looks at the importance of partnership for security and strength through two lenses: First, an article on Sweden’s Total Defence planning highlights the need to partner with and mobilise the whole of society to ensure the country’s resilience in times of crisis. Second, we mark the 60th anniversary of NATO-sponsored scientific research and collaboration to address shared security challenges. Read more

Resilience: Planning for Sweden’s “Total Defence”

Resilience: Planning for Sweden’s “Total Defence”

In response to the deteriorating security situation, Sweden is taking steps not only to enhance its warfighting capability but also to increase the resilience of society. Read more

Diplomacy by other means? NATO’s science sixty years on…

Diplomacy by other means? NATO’s science sixty years on…

The public release of archived documents has shed new light on the wider legacy of the Alliance’s investment in science. Crucially, it reveals the importance of this sponsorship, which started exactly sixty years ago, for the advancement of science as much as for the Allies’ relations at the height of the Cold War. Read more

NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

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