• NATO Secretary General and top military leaders visit Afghanistan
• Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security visits NATO’s KFOR Mission

9 November 2018


NATO Secretary General and top military leaders visit Afghanistan

NATO Secretary General and top military leaders visit Afghanistan

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg paid an official visit to Kabul on Tuesday (6 November 2018), accompanied by the Chairman of the Military Committee, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Curtis Scaparrotti.

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Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security visits NATO’s KFOR Mission

Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security visits NATO’s KFOR Mission

Clare Hutchinson, Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, visited NATO’s peace-keeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR) on Wednesday (7 November 2018). Ms. Hutchinson discussed the promotion of the Women, Peace and Security agenda with the commander of KFOR, Major General Salvatore Cuoci.

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Norway uses Exercise Trident Juncture to strengthen its national resilience

Norway uses Exercise Trident Juncture to strengthen its national resilience

Trident Juncture 18, NATO’s largest exercise in recent years, is also the Alliance’s first military exercise to include substantial civil preparedness elements and to practice cooperation between the military and the civilian authorities.

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Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller in Beijing: “We need to defend ourselves in the digital age, and in the age of artificial intelligence”

Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller in Beijing: “We need to defend ourselves in the digital age, and in the age of artificial intelligence”

The NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller visited Beijing on 24-26 October 2018 and participated in 8th Xiangshan Forum. Speaking at a special session on Artificial Intelligence, Gottemoeller highlighted how technological advances provide challenges as well as opportunities and discussed how NATO is working to ensure it stays ahead of the curve.

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Exercise #TridentJuncture 18 Live Demonstration to Distinguished Visitors

Trident Juncture 2018: NATO’s biggest exercise in decades

Exercise Trident Juncture 2018 was the largest NATO exercise in decades, bringing together around 50,000 personnel, 10,000 vehicles, 250 aircraft and 65 ships from 31 NATO Allies and partner nations. Held in Norway, the live portion of the exercise started on 25 October and ended on 7 November. A command-post exercise will follow in Naples, Italy.

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Minister of Defence of the Republic of Moldova visits NATO
The Chairman of the NATO Military Committee commends Portugal for its contributions to NATO
NATO Review
The resilience of Resolution 1325

The resilience of Resolution 1325

Clare Hutchinson

NATO-Russia : setting the record straight

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