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The Hubble Space Telescope

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe

Daily Report #8201

Period Covered:
07:00 PM December 26, 2018 - 06:59 PM December 27, 2018
(DOY 361/0000z - 361/2359z)

Program Principal Investigator Program Title
Science Observations Scheduled
15126 Danielle Berg, The Ohio State University Resolving the Abundance Discrepancy with HST/COS
15132 Harald Ebeling, University of Hawaii Beyond MACS: A Snapshot Survey of the Most Massive Clusters of Galaxies at z>0.5
15156 Yong Zheng, University of California - Berkeley Mapping Gas Flows from the Disk to the Circumgalactic Medium
15217 Ewan Douglas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Imaging the predicted asteroid belt analogue around Epsilon Eridani
15279 Sean Johnson, Princeton University Unveiling Quasar Fueling through a Public Snapshot Survey of Quasar Host Environments
15281 Steven Kraemer, Catholic University of America Characterizing Mass Outflows in Palomar Green Quasars: evidence for AGN feedback?
15445 William Keel, University of Alabama Gems of the Galaxy Zoos
Calibration Observations Scheduled
15485 Ralph Bohlin, Space Telescope Science Institute CAL/STIS: Standard Stars for the JWST Mission and CALSPEC Legacy
15546 Doug Branton, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Dark Monitor Part 1
15549 Doug Branton, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 1
15567 Sylvia Baggett, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS Anneal
15569 Catherine Martlin, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS Daily Monitor A
15592 Ben Sunnquist, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 CSM monitor with earth flats

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