February 28, 2019 
RELEASE 19-015
NASA Secures First International Partnership for Moon to Mars Lunar Gateway

In this illustration, NASA's Orion spacecraft approaches the Gateway in lunar orbit.

Credits: NASA

The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine on the announcement Thursday by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Canada’s support for the Gateway lunar outpost and deep space exploration:

“NASA is thrilled that Canada is the first international partner for the Gateway lunar outpost. Space exploration is in Canada’s DNA. In 1962, Canada became the third nation to launch a satellite into orbit with Alouette 1. 

“Today, Canada leads the world in space-based robotic capabilities, enabling critical repairs to the Hubble Space Telescope and construction of the International Space Station. Our new collaboration on Gateway will enable our broader international partnership to get to the Moon and eventually to Mars.”

For more information on the Gateway, visit:


Learn more about NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration plan, go to:




Press Contacts

Bettina Inclán
Headquarters, Washington


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