• Hungary to lead NATO's Baltic Air Policing, joined by UK and Spain
• How does NATO counter hybrid threats?

18 April 2019


Hungary to lead NATO's Baltic Air Policing, joined by Spain and the United Kingdom

Hungary to lead NATO's Baltic Air Policing, joined by Spain and the United Kingdom

Hungary will lead NATO's Baltic Air Policing mission from May 2019, with JAS-39 Gripen fighter aircraft based at Šiauliai Air Base in Lithuania. (Courtesy of Allied Air Command)

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NATO ships exercise with Romanian Navy in the Black Sea

NATO ships exercise with Romanian Navy in the Black Sea

Sea Shield 2019, an annual Romanian-led naval exercise, wrapped up in the Black Sea on Friday (12 April 2019). (Courtesy of Allied Maritime Command)

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NATO Secretary General discusses adaptation with military commanders

NATO Secretary General discusses adaptation with military commanders

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a Commander’s Conference at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) on Friday (12 April 2019). (Courtesy of SHAPE)

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NATO battlegroup exercises in Lithuania

NATO battlegroup exercises in Lithuania

NATO’s multinational battlegroup in Lithuania began exercise Eager Leopard in Pabrade on Wednesday (17 April 2019).

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NATO and Iraq strengthen cooperation on defence education

NATO and Iraq strengthen cooperation on defence education

From 7 to 11 April 2019, defence education experts visited of Iraq’s Defence University for Military Studies in Baghdad.

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NATO works on quantum cryptography with Malta

NATO works on quantum cryptography with Malta

Quantum technology will soon change our security landscape.

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How does NATO counter hybrid threats?

How does NATO counter hybrid threats?

Hybrid means of warfare – propaganda, deception, sabotage and other non-military tactics – have long been used in lieu of (or sometimes in conjunction with) overt, conventional military action. In recent years, the use of hybrid tactics has increased in speed, scale and intensity. How does NATO counter this difficult, covert threat?

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