• Secretary General: as the world changes, NATO will continue to change
• Leaders celebrate NATO’s 70th anniversary at Buckingham Palace reception
• NATO Secretary General meets President Trump ahead of Leaders’ Meeting

6 December 2019


Secretary General: as the world changes, NATO will continue to change

Secretary General: as the world changes, NATO will continue to change

The NATO leaders’ meeting marking the 70th anniversary of the Alliance wrapped up in London on Wednesday (4 December 2019). After the working session, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said: “Our meeting has once again demonstrated that NATO remains the only place where Europe and North America discuss, decide and act every day together on strategic issues that concern our shared security”.

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Leaders celebrate NATO’s 70th anniversary at Buckingham Palace reception

Leaders celebrate NATO’s 70th anniversary at Buckingham Palace reception

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II welcomed NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the leaders of the Alliance’s 29 member countries to London at a Buckingham Palace reception on Tuesday evening (3 December 2019).

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NATO Secretary General meets President Trump ahead of Leaders’ Meeting

NATO Secretary General meets President Trump ahead of Leaders’ Meeting

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with President Trump at Winfield House in London ahead of the Meeting of NATO Leaders on Tuesday (3 December 2019).

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Secretary General sets the scene for leaders’ meeting at NATO Engages

Secretary General sets the scene for leaders’ meeting at NATO Engages

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg set out the key topics and themes for the London meeting of NATO leaders at a special event on Tuesday (3 December 2019). Speaking at NATO Engages: Innovating the Alliance, Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted that throughout its history, NATO has continued to adapt to a changing world.

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NATO Deputy Secretary General speaks at NATO Engages: Innovating the Alliance

NATO Deputy Secretary General speaks at NATO Engages: Innovating the Alliance

“What we are bringing to this Alliance is a sense of urgency to stay true to our values and not be deterred by the world which is changing so rapidly,” Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said.

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AWACS aircraft provide air surveillance support for NATO leaders meeting at London

AWACS aircraft provide air surveillance support for NATO leaders meeting at London

In support of the NATO Leaders' Meeting in London AWACS aircraft from NATO’s Airborne Early Warning and Control Force conducted air surveillance missions in the airspace of the United Kingdom, to provide situational awareness. (Story courtesy of Allied Air Command)

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Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 sails together with HMS Queen Elizabeth

Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 sails together with HMS Queen Elizabeth

Dec. 4, 2019 - The Royal Norwegian Navy Fridtjof Nansen-class frigate Thor Heyerdahl from Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) accompanied Royal Navy aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth as it transited through the Atlantic Ocean. (Story courtesy of Allied Maritime Command)

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NATO: 70 years in 70 seconds

NATO: 70 years in 70 seconds

For 70 years, the bond between Europe and North America has made NATO the strongest alliance in history.

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Informal supper hosted by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Preparing for the Leaders' Meeting in London

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