• Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Open Skies Treaty
• An innovative way to fight COVID-19

22 May 2020


Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Open Skies Treaty

Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Open Skies Treaty

NATO Allies met today to discuss the Open Skies Treaty. We are firmly committed to the preservation of effective international arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation. We all agree that all states party to the Open Skies Treaty must fully implement their commitments and obligations. All NATO Allies are in full compliance with all provisions of the Treaty.

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NATO Secretary General welcomes offers to support the United Nations’ global request for airlift through NATO’s coordination centre

NATO Secretary General welcomes offers to support the United Nations’ global request for airlift through NATO’s coordination centre

The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the offers of the United Kingdom and the State of Qatar to provide airlift assets coordinated by NATO’s Euro Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) in support of the United Nations’ efforts to fight the COVID 19 pandemic.

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Poland delivers medical aid to Kosovar authorities in response to global pandemic

Poland delivers medical aid to Kosovar authorities in response to global pandemic

Today, the Polish military contingent operating with the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) has distributed sanitary and personal protection equipment to the Health Institutions in Kosovo, as part of NATO Allies’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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NATO Allies practise close air support in Lithuania

NATO Allies practise close air support in Lithuania

Troops from NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Lithuania are training together with British and Spanish pilots from the Alliance’s Baltic Air Policing mission.

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Statement on Afghanistan by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

Statement on Afghanistan by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

I welcome the decision taken by Afghanistan’s political leaders to resolve their differences and join efforts to form an inclusive government.

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NATO senior military staff talks hosted by EU counterparts

NATO senior military staff talks hosted by EU counterparts

The Director General of the NATO International Military Staff, Lieutenant General Hans-Werner Wiermann, and the Director General of the European Union Military Staff, Lieutenant General Esa Pulkkinen, co-chaired the first NATO-EU bi-annual meeting this year on 19 May 2020.

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NATO challenges inventors to propose innovations in radar data technology

NATO challenges inventors to propose innovations in radar data technology

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is looking for ideas from start-ups, inventors and innovators for new technologies to process radar data and give the Alliance a clearer picture of activities in our skies.

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Emerging and disruptive technology: workshop on NATO engagement with non-defence technology companies

Emerging and disruptive technology: workshop on NATO engagement with non-defence technology companies

In the context of its ongoing work on emerging and disruptive technologies, NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division organised a workshop on 18 May 2020 to discuss NATO’s engagement with non-defence technology companies.

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NATO Secretary General, Libyan Prime Minister discuss situation in Libya

NATO Secretary General, Libyan Prime Minister discuss situation in Libya

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had a phone call with the Prime Minister of Libya, Fayez al-Sarraj, on 16 May 2020, at the Prime Minister’s request, to discuss developments in Libya.

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Meet Lt Col Piotr Wachna, a Polish chemical weapons expert, at the centre of the COVID-19 fight

Meet Lt Col Piotr Wachna, a Polish chemical weapons expert, at the centre of the COVID-19 fight

Lt Col Piotr Wachna is a deputy commander at the 4th Chemical Regiment of the Polish army based in Brodnica in north-central Poland. This regiment is considered to be the elite in the area of protection against chemical weapons.

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Second Dutch flight transports additional medical aid to Montenegro in response to COVID-19

Second Dutch flight transports additional medical aid to Montenegro in response to COVID-19

Today (15 May 2020), the Netherlands delivered another set of protective equipment and medical supplies from Bejing (China) to Podgorica (Montenegro), in support to Allied efforts against the COVID-19 global pandemic, following Montenegro’s request for assistance, through NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre, NATO’s principal disaster response mechanism.

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Baltic Sea mine warfare drill concludes

Baltic Sea mine warfare drill concludes

The Baltic region’s biggest annual mine counter-measures exercise – named Open Spirit – concluded on Thursday (14 May 2020). (Courtesy of Allied Maritime Command)

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Multinational aircraft tanker fleet to mark milestone

Multinational aircraft tanker fleet to mark milestone

The first two A-330 tanker aircraft purchased by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency are set to arrive in the Netherlands in June. Under the multilateral multi-role tanker transporter programme, six NATO countries will jointly own and operate eight Airbus A-330s, sharing flying hours and costs.

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An innovative way to fight COVID-19

An innovative way to fight COVID-19

In Taranto, Italy, a team of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) established a cooperation with an Italian start-up called ISINNOVA that resulted in the production of 25 3D-printed connectors – on a weekly basis – converting snorkelling masks into emergency ventilator masks. These were donated to the Italian Civil Protection Department for further distribution in the hospitals that needed them most.

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NATO Review
Coronavirus, invisible threats and preparing for resilience

Coronavirus, invisible threats and preparing for resilience

Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv

Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC)

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