• NATO recognises Ukraine as Enhanced Opportunities Partner
• KFOR continues during COVID-19 pandemic

12 June 2020



NATO recognises Ukraine as Enhanced Opportunities Partner

On 12 June 2020, the North Atlantic Council recognised Ukraine as an Enhanced Opportunities Partner. This status is part of NATO’s Partnership Interoperability Initiative, which aims to maintain and deepen cooperation between Allies and partners that have made significant contributions to NATO-led operations and missions.

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Secretary General launches NATO 2030 to make our strong Alliance even stronger

Secretary General launches NATO 2030 to make our strong Alliance even stronger

On 8 June 2020, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg launched his outline for NATO 2030 in an online conversation with the Atlantic Council and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

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Secretary General congratulates the President of Montenegro on third anniversary of accession to NATO

Secretary General congratulates the President of Montenegro on third anniversary of accession to NATO

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović at NATO Headquarters on 9 June 2020 and congratulated him on the anniversary of his country’s accession to the Alliance three years ago.

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NATO launches Counter-Terrorism Reference Curriculum

On 12 June, NATO launched its first ever Counter-Terrorism Reference Curriculum (CTRC). It supports interested Allies and partner countries in enhancing their capacities to develop national skills and improve counter-terrorism strategies.

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Emerging and Disruptive Technology: workshop on Technology, Security and Finance

In the context of its ongoing work on Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division organised a workshop on 11 June 2020 on technology, security and finance. 

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NATO navies and air forces exercise in the Baltic Sea

NATO navies and air forces exercise in the Baltic Sea

Around 3,000 personnel from 19 NATO Allies and partners are taking part in the annual BALTOPS naval exercise that kicked off in the Baltic Sea on 7 June 2020.

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Meet Flight Lieutenant Quentin, a French fighter pilot protecting the Baltic skies

Meet Flight Lieutenant Quentin, a French fighter pilot protecting the Baltic skies

Flight Lieutenant Quentin is a fighter pilot with the French Air Force. Operating out of Amari base in Estonia, he safeguards the airspace of the Baltic countries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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New NATO Building Integrity in Operations Handbook

New NATO Building Integrity in Operations Handbook

The Building Integrity (BI) toolkit now has a practical and effective learning tool – the “BI in Operations Handbook”.

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KFOR continues during COVID-19 pandemic

KFOR continues during COVID-19 pandemic

The NATO-led KFOR continues its UN-mandated mission, training and operating throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo.

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Exercise BALTOPS 2020
NATO Secretary General launches NATO 2030
NATO Review
Nuclear deterrence today

Nuclear deterrence today

Jessica Cox


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