• NATO-funded facility ready to receive and support Allied troops in Estonia
• Called to serve: the Canadian military chaplain

3 July 2020


NATO-funded facility ready to receive and support Allied troops in Estonia

NATO-funded facility ready to receive and support Allied troops in Estonia

A new NATO infrastructure facility has just opened its doors at the Tapa Base in Estonia. The hub is able to receive and facilitate the onward movement of NATO forces, including the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), and will be used for exercises and prepositioning of equipment. The majority of the project, worth 20 million EUR, has been funded through the NATO Security Investment Programme (NSIP).

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NATO Secretary General underlines the need for NATO to take a more global approach

NATO Secretary General underlines the need for NATO to take a more global approach

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg addressed an online event of the German Institute for Global and Area studies (GIGA) on 30 June 2020. Speaking about “The Geopolitical Implications of COVID-19”, the Secretary General called for a global approach to address the security challenges we face.

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Turkey delivers critical aid to Iraq

Turkey delivers critical aid to Iraq

On 30 June 2020, as part of Allied support in response to COVID-19, Turkey delivered critical medical supplies to the Iraqi people as a sign of solidarity between two neighbouring countries.

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First aircraft of NATO’s future multi-role tanker transport fleet lands at Eindhoven airbase

First aircraft of NATO’s future multi-role tanker transport fleet lands at Eindhoven airbase

NATO’s future fleet of multi-role aircraft (MMF) marked an important milestone on 30 June 2020, as the first of eight aircraft in the fleet landed at the main operating base in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

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Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană speaks at Transatlantic Conference at the Harvard Kennedy School

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană speaks at Transatlantic Conference at the Harvard Kennedy School

Speaking at a virtual panel discussion at the annual Transatlantic Conference organised by the Harvard Kennedy School on 2 July 2020, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană said that COVID-19 has accelerated transformation in many areas and that Allies are drawing lessons from this crisis together.

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NATO and the UN hold consultations on COVID-19 response

NATO and the UN hold consultations on COVID-19 response

NATO and the United Nations held annual talks virtually on 29 June 2020 with a strong focus on the fight against COVID-19.

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NATO scientists help Connecticut forecast the spread of COVID-19

NATO scientists help Connecticut forecast the spread of COVID-19

NATO’s own laboratory, the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), based in La Spezia, Italy, is assisting the US state of Connecticut in its handling of the COVID-19 lockdown.

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NATO’s anti-submarine warfare exercise begins off coast of Iceland

NATO’s anti-submarine warfare exercise begins off coast of Iceland

NATO exercise ‘Dynamic Mongoose’ kicked off on 29 June 2020 off the coast of Iceland. Naval forces from Canada, France, Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States are participating in the exercise, with Iceland providing logistical support. (Story courtesy Allied Maritime Command)

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Poland provides medical aid to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to tackle global pandemic

Poland provides medical aid to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to tackle global pandemic

As part of Allied solidarity and support to NATO members and partner countries, Poland has recently delivered critical medical assistance to Georgia, consisting of around 6,800 protective face shields and 5,400 litres of disinfectant detergent for hands and surface equipment, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The United Kingdom flies medical equipment to West Africa following UN call for support

The United Kingdom flies medical equipment to West Africa following UN call for support

A UK Royal Air Force C-17 cargo aircraft departed for Accra, Ghana on 27 June 2020, carrying materials for the construction of a field hospital.

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NATO stands with the international community to better protect conflict-affected children

NATO stands with the international community to better protect conflict-affected children

“NATO has long recognised that protecting children in conflict is an important aspect of any comprehensive strategy to resolve conflict and a key component of durable peace and security,” Ms Clare Hutchinson, NATO High Level Focal Point for Children and Armed Conflict, noted on 23 June 2020 in her written address to the United Nations Security Council open debate on Children and Armed Conflict.

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Called to serve: the Canadian military chaplain

Called to serve: the Canadian military chaplain

Military chaplains have a proud history of serving alongside active duty soldiers. They accompany soldiers in all situations, providing guidance and counselling to all who ask for it, regardless of rank or religion.

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NATO Review
Book review – “Future NATO: Adapting to New Realities”

Book review – “Future NATO: Adapting to New Realities”

Michael Rühle



First aircraft of NATO’s future multi-role tanker transport fleet lands at Eindhoven airbase
Poland provides medical aid to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to tackle Global Pandemic
NATO-Russia: setting the record straight

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