• NATO Secretary General to host NATO 2030 Youth Summit

Press Release

4 November 2020

PR (2020) 106


NATO Secretary General to host NATO 2030 Youth Summit (UPDATED)

On Monday 09 November 2020, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will host the NATO 2030 Youth Summit, to ensure that NATO incorporates young people’s views of security and peace in its reflection on the future of the Alliance.

Organised in cooperation with the Munich Security Conference, the NATO 2030 Youth Summit aims to bring together 18-35 year-old citizens from NATO Allied and partner countries for an online conversation with Mr. Stoltenberg and a series of interactive debates focused on keeping NATO strong militarily, making it stronger politically and taking a more global approach.

During the event, the Secretary General will announce the establishment of the NATO 2030 Young Leaders Group, a group of 14 emerging leaders from across the Alliance who will provide him with input to inform his recommendations for NATO 2030.

The NATO 2030 Youth Summit is part of NATO 2030, the Secretary General’s initiative to make sure the Alliance remains ready to face tomorrow’s challenges, and keep its citizens safe in the next decade and beyond.

While full participation in the event is limited to invited guests, the Youth Summit will be streamed live at https://www.nato.int/NATO2030YouthSummit. No registration is necessary.

Draft Agenda:

(all times are Central European Time)

15:30 – Introductory video #NATO2030

15:45 – Opening statement by the NATO Secretary General – The Transatlantic Alliance in 2030

15.55 - Introducing the NATO 2030 Young Leaders

16:00 – 16:20 – #NATO2030 – Current leaders ask, future leaders respond (with participation of a number of NATO Heads of State and Government)

16:20 – 16:40 – Setting the Scene: The World in 2030 (Scenario-building exercise)


Session I - #NATO2030 – A strong military Alliance

16:45 – 17:15 – Parallel sessions:

  • Keeping P(e)ace? Contributing to Stability Beyond NATO’s Borders (Digital conversation)
  • Ready for the Future? How to Defend NATO in 2030 (Digital fishbowl discussion)
  • Prepared to Respond? NATO and Disruptive Technologies (Digital conversation)

17:15 – #NATO2030 Video Contest: Presentation and Announcement of Winners


Session II – #NATO2030 – A stronger political Alliance

17:25 – 17:55 – Parallel sessions:

  • Under (Arms) Control: The Future of Strategic Stability in the Euro-Atlantic Region (Digital fishbowl discussion)
  • Heating Up: Climate Change and Global Security (Digital conversation)
  • Tricking the Trolls: A Look at the Digital Future (Policy pitches)


Session III - #NATO2030 – A more global Alliance

18:00 – 18:30 – Parallel sessions:

  • Partnering for Peace: NATO’s Role in the Rules-Based Multilateral Order (Digital conversation)
  • Of Black Swans & Grey Rhinos: Enhancing NATO’s Resilience to Future Crises (Policy pitches)
  • A (Strategic) Balancing Act: NATO in an Era of Great Power Competition (Digital fishbowl discussion)

18:30 – Closing session

Use #NATO2030 to follow and engage in the conversation on the social media.

Photos and video from the event, as well as a transcript of the Secretary General’s opening remarks, will be available on the NATO website.



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