• Group of experts presents report to Secretary General
• NATO Science presents: High-altitude balloon-borne radar

27 November 2020


Group of experts presents report to Secretary General

Group of experts presents report to Secretary General

An independent group, co-chaired by Dr Thomas de Maizière and Dr Wess Mitchell, handed over on 25 November a report to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on how to make NATO an even stronger Alliance. The group’s report is one of a number of inputs into the Secretary General’s NATO 2030 initiative.

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NATO Secretary General addresses 2020 Afghanistan Conference

NATO Secretary General addresses 2020 Afghanistan Conference

On 24 November 2020, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke virtually at the 2020 Afghanistan Donors’ Conference held in Geneva.

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Denmark assumes command of NATO Mission Iraq

Denmark assumes command of NATO Mission Iraq

Lieutenant-General Per Pugholm Olsen of the Danish Armed Forces is the new Commander of NATO Mission Iraq, following a change of command ceremony held in Baghdad on 24 November 2020.

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Secretary General addresses the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – adapting NATO for 2030 and beyond

Secretary General addresses the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – adapting NATO for 2030 and beyond

Speaking at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s virtual Annual Session on 23 November 2020, NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, said that the NATO 2030 initiative will, “make our strong Alliance even stronger and fit to face any challenge, in the next decade and beyond” and added that, “NATO is the only place where the countries of Europe and North America meet every day. We need to build on this and use NATO even more as a forum for frank discussion, on a wide range of security issues.”

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NATO Deputy Secretary General: our societies have to be tech ready, and our tech sector security ready

NATO Deputy Secretary General: our societies have to be tech ready, and our tech sector security ready

Speaking at the NATO-Private Sector Dialogue hosted by GLOBSEC on 25 November, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană said that NATO has to continue to compete in the battle space where conflicts are defined as much by bytes and big data as by bullets and battleships.

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NATO Secretary General spoke with U.S. President-elect Biden

NATO Secretary General spoke with U.S. President-elect Biden

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke with Joe Biden on 23 November 2020 to congratulate him on his election as the next President of the United States and Kamala Harris as the next Vice-President.

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Are we there yet? Implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda: if not now, when?

Are we there yet? Implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda: if not now, when?

Thoughts from Clare Hutchinson, the Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security

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Secretary General discusses NATO’s response to strategic challenges at Halifax International Security Forum

Secretary General discusses NATO’s response to strategic challenges at Halifax International Security Forum

Preparing the Alliance for the future with the NATO 2030 initiative, and using it to address the rise of China, cyber threats and other challenges, were the main topics of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s participation in the Halifax International Security Forum on 22 November 2020.

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NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) supports distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) supports distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Personnel from NATO and partner countries held a first virtual meeting from 16 to 18 November in order to exchange best practices from professional military education institutions using online platforms.

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NATO Science presents: High-altitude balloon-borne radar

NATO Science presents: High-altitude balloon-borne radar

NATO has a key role to play in emergency response and disaster relief. When a disaster strikes, getting an overview of the site is key to saving lives and stopping further damage. Until now, the only two options to get the big picture from far above have been aircraft or satellites, both of which are expensive and require infrastructure. But high-altitude balloons equipped with a new kind of radar promise to be cheap, rapid and fuel-saving.

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NATO Review
Artificial Intelligence at NATO: dynamic adoption, responsible use

Artificial Intelligence at NATO: dynamic adoption, responsible use

Edward Hunter Christie

Science series

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