• Secretary General: NATO must continue to adapt
• Missile defence training in Latvia

4 December 2020


Secretary General: NATO must continue to adapt

Secretary General: NATO must continue to adapt

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday (3 December 2020) thanked a group of experts for a new report outlining their suggestions for the Secretary General’s NATO 2030 initiative on how to bolster NATO’s political cohesion and ability to face new security challenges.

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Foreign Ministers address NATO 2030, Afghanistan, Russia, security in the Black Sea region, and the rise of China

Foreign Ministers address NATO 2030, Afghanistan, Russia, security in the Black Sea region, and the rise of China

NATO foreign ministers concluded two days of virtual meetings on 2 December 2020 to discuss key issues, including NATO’s adaptation, Russia’s military build-up, the rise of China, and Afghanistan.

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NATO Foreign Ministers discuss China’s rise, security in the Black Sea region

NATO Foreign Ministers discuss China’s rise, security in the Black Sea region

NATO foreign ministers met virtually on Wednesday (2 December 2020) to discuss the global shift in the balance of power with the rise of China. They were joined by Asia-Pacific partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, and by Finland, Sweden, and the European Union High Representative.

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NATO Foreign Ministers discuss future of the alliance, Afghanistan, Russia

NATO Foreign Ministers discuss future of the alliance, Afghanistan, Russia

NATO Foreign Ministers met virtually on Tuesday (1 December 2020) to discuss key issues for the Alliance.

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Deputy Secretary General Geoana addresses the European Defence Agency Annual Conference

Deputy Secretary General Geoana addresses the European Defence Agency Annual Conference

Speaking at the European Defence Agency Annual Conference on 4 December, the NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said that sustaining European defence is very important for NATO because European defence is “inextricably linked to transatlantic defence”.

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NATO Deputy Secretary General spoke on the importance of partnership with Colombia

NATO Deputy Secretary General spoke on the importance of partnership with Colombia

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană spoke on Thursday 3 December at the Concordia Americas Summit on the importance of having global partnerships with countries like Colombia, to counter common challenges such as pandemics, terrorism or climate change.

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Deputy Secretary General addresses the NATO Web Conference on Modular Design

Deputy Secretary General addresses the NATO Web Conference on Modular Design

Speaking at the NATO web conference “Modular Design - Creating a NATO Capability App Store” on 3 December 2020, Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said that engaging with experts from different areas and backgrounds is important for NATO in order to speed up adoption of new technology.

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Missile defence training in Latvia

Missile defence training in Latvia

US Army Europe’s 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command travelled from Germany to Latvia to participate in exercise Tobruq Arrows 2020 in Jurmalciems, Latvia on 5-15 June.

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