On Wednesday, 14 April 2021, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will meet with the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III, at NATO Headquarters.
Further details will be confirmed in due course.
Media advisory:
Timing TBC - Joint press point by the NATO Secretary General and the US Secretary of Defense
Media coverage:
The event will be streamed live on the NATO website and on NATO’s social media channels.
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions in place, media attendance in person will be limited to a very small pool, by invitation only.
A video recording will be available for download from the NATO Multimedia Portal.
A transcript of the Secretary General’s remarks, as well as pictures, will be available on the NATO website.
General queries
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 41
Overall Coordination
Mrs. Alina Coca
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 1465