• NATO Summit - Brussels, Belgium – 14 June 2021 - 2nd Media advisory

Press Release

9 June 2021

PR (2021) 096


NATO Summit - Brussels, Belgium – 14 June 2021 - 2nd Media advisory


  1. A meeting of NATO Heads of State and Government will be held on Monday 14 June 2021 in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General.
  2. The meeting will take place at NATO Headquarters (HQ) on Boulevard Leopold III, 1110 Brussels.
  3. All updates will be posted on the NATO website: www.nato.int. You can also follow us on twitter @NATOPress and @NATO.
  4. A limited number of media representatives will be granted access for coverage in person. Strict COVID protocols will be applied and enforced as necessary. While on site, all media will be required to wear FPP2 masks at all times.


  1. The media accreditation office will be situated at the Belgian Military Queen Elisabeth Headquarters / Quartier Reine Élisabeth / Koningin Elisabethkwartier, Rue d'Evere 1, 1140 Evere, Belgium; GPS coordinates: 50.871157, 4.425542
  2. A media centre will open on site on 13 and 14 June 2021. Access to the media centre will be granted exclusively to media accredited to the event, and only via the accreditation office.
  3. Opening hours:

Accreditation Office

Media Centre

Friday 11 June

16:00 – 19:00


Saturday 12 June

12:00 – 18:00


Sunday 13 June

11:00 – 21:00

11:30 – 22:00

Monday 14 June

06:30 – 16:00

06:30 – 00:00 [TBC]

Tuesday 15 June


On appointment only, for broadcasters picking up equipment


  1. The media accreditation is now closed.  Due to COVID-19 safety measures, the number of media accredited is strictly limited. NATO will confirm via email all accreditation requests. Instructions: first media advisory.
  2. A specific media pass for the Summit will be given only to accredited media who have received email confirmation from NATO with further instructions. The 2021 NATO annual pass does NOT authorise access to the Summit. Media are required to pick up their accreditation badge in person at the Accreditation Office (see para 37).
  3. Accredited media must provide a negative PCR test for COVID-19 before they can pick up their accreditation badge. The test needs to be taken no earlier than Thursday 10 June 2021, 16.00 CEST. Once the result is received, the media representatives will be invited by email to pick up their accreditation badge.
  4. Several Covid-19 testing centres are available in the Brussels area, which media representatives can use. The following centres have committed to facilitate and prioritise testing for media attending the NATO Summit. Media can use the following links to book an appointment:
  5. NATO is not responsible for services and rates provided by the above-mentioned facilities. 


  1. Access to the Summit Media Centre will only be via the Accreditation Office. A shuttle bus service will operate continuously between the media centre and the accreditation office throughout the opening hours of the media centre.
  2. All media will be subject to temperature check and security screening before entering the Media Centre.
  3. Press must make their own arrangements to reach the Accreditation Office in order to access the Media Centre. Please note that the Accreditation Office is situated on a military compound, therefore additional time should be foreseen for processing.
  4. Access by satellite vans and SNG vehicles to the media centre:
    • Broadcasters who need to park SNG vehicles at the media centre will be given access to the open-sky car park. Prior notice of arrival and space needs must be made in writing here: broadcastoperations@hq.nato.int.
    • Satellite van accessibility and security procedures need to be completed by 13 June, 16h00. Satellite and SNG trucks will be swept by security upon entry and during the event. Should NATO security request it, please open your trucks and comply with security sweeps.
    • Departures from the NATO HQ site by satellite vans are in principle possible as of late afternoon on 14 June. All equipment and satellite vans will need to leave the NATO premises by noontime on 15 June. Special requests can be introduced in writing at broadcastoperations@hq.nato.int.
  5. Security will be heavy during this event. Please allocate enough time to account for security checks and random sweeps, and comply with the instructions of NATO security staff as they occur.  


  1. The Media Centre and other media facilities on site will include:
    • Working area for print and broadcast media (TV and radio suites included);
    • Information desk and media office support;
    • Satellite Truck parking area
    • Spaces for press conferences and briefings
    • Television stand-up positions (outdoors with a view to the NATO Flags and the NATO HQ façade; indoor positions with a view to the Agora) 
    • A fully equipped TV studio
    • Catering facilities
  2. Wi-Fi and wired internet, video and audio distribution points and standard European electrical outlets will be available at the media facilities. Pool positions will have cell phone connectivity and, in many cases, Wi-Fi as well.
  3. When first arriving to the media centre, media representatives need to report at the Information Desk in order to be allocated a seat. Working space in the general working area does not need to be pre-booked.
  4. Spaces in the editing area are reserved for media outlets who booked them in advance with Eurovision. Journalists and crews who booked editing spaces and stand up positions with Eurovision need to report to Eurovision’s master control.
  5. COVID-19 protocols will be carefully implemented and observed throughout the media centre. All media will be required to wear FPP2 masks at all times while on site. The only exception allowed will be for journalists while doing a broadcast outdoors at the flagpole area.









NATO Summit Media Coordination (operations)
Ms. Alina COCA – natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int
Mr. Mark SANDERS - natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int
Mr. Antony TESTA - natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int 

Accreditation; access to the accreditation office
Mr. Angelo PACIFICO - natoaccreditations@hq.nato.int

Broadcasting – access to live content, equipment, satellite trucks, TV studio  
Mr. Bart VANDENDORPE – broadcastoperations@hq.nato.int

Broadcasting – TV/radio edit suites, stand ups
Ms. Dounia Wolteche - newsevents@eurovision.net

Press and Media Enquiries and Interview Requests

Other useful contacts

  1. The media programme is based on the official Summit programme.
  2. The Secretary General will hold a doorstep at 09h15. Heads of Delegations will arrive at NATO HQ on 14 June from 10h30. The Secretary General will formally greet Heads of Delegations around 13h00, followed by an official group portrait.  The working session is scheduled to begin at 13h30 and last until approximately 16h00. The Secretary General will hold a press conference at 16h15.
  3. Access to Summit media events at NATO HQ will be limited to small media pools. The pools include the arrivals, doorsteps by the Secretary General and national leaders, the official greeting, the official group portrait, and the opening of the meeting. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, physical access to press conferences will be limited.
  4. Media pools will be of very limited size, and access to pools will be available by invitation only.
  5. These pools will include:
  6. Secretary General’s doorstep
  7. Leaders’ arrivals
  8. Official greeting by the NATO Secretary General
  9. Official portrait
  10. Meeting of the North Atlantic Council - opening remarks
  11. When a media representative accepts a NATO pool position he/she must share immediately all information and material collected while in the pool with any accredited media that request it. The media representative in the pool will share the material at no charge and with no restriction on the use of the material for news purposes. Positions for doorsteps and arrivals cannot be used for TV stand ups.
  12. Media representatives can only accept the pool if they have the agreement of their employer to all of the conditions on providing pool material listed above. Media organisations that want pooled images should first contact the wire service / photo agency of which they are a member / client. Media representatives and news organisations must identify that it is pooled material every time it is used. Pooled material can only be used for legitimate news purposes and it cannot be sold.
  13. Bilateral events between delegations are not a part of the official Summit programme, but they may include a media component. Details of these bilateral events should be sought from the delegations concerned. A list of delegations’ points of contact on media issues will be available at the Information Desk in the media centre.
  14. NATO’s Host Broadcast operations will deliver a single high quality HD/SDI signal (1080i50 audio embedded) live to the media centre for all Summit media events on 14 June, free of charge. NATO is working to provide multiple live signals of key moments, such as arrivals, official portrait, multiple doorstep remarks or press conferences.
  15. All media events will be transmitted live by the Summit Host Broadcaster to the media centre, online on the NATO website and via satellite.
  16. Technical details regarding the transmission and downlink are available here. For bookings of all synopsis, please contact bookings@eurovision.net and newsoperations@eurovision.net
  17. Broadcast-quality B-roll will be available for free download from the NATO Multimedia Portal. Journalists must register to the NATO Multimedia portal AHEAD of the Summit if they want to be able to download videos: https://www.natomultimedia.tv/portal/Register.html
  18. Transcripts of the Secretary General’s remarks, as well as pictures taken by NATO photographers will be available on the NATO website.
    1. Access to stand up positions will be possible only for crews who booked them in advance with Eurovision, and only for essential members of each TV crew.
    2. Dedicated overlays for access to stand up positions will be distributed by Eurovision staff present on-site. Please report at Eurovision’s master control in the media centre.
    3. Outdoor stand up positions will be accessible via a dedicated shuttle bus, throughout the opening hours of the media centre.
    4. Indoor / Agora stand up positions will be accessible on foot. Please note that, at times, access and/or activities at the Agora positions will be subject to limitations.
    5. Broadcasters who expect to require shorter time slots for live or recorded pieces to camera can book fully equipped live positions via Eurovision (newsevents@eurovision.net)
    6. A fully equipped TV studio wired for live transmission is also available. Booking requests can be sent at broadcastoperations@hq.nato.int.
    7. Satellite vans will have access to electrical power and wired internet. TV teams should bring their own electricity cables to connect themselves to the electric network. The primary feed will be available at this location.
    8. NATO will provide fiber connectivity from the stand-up positions back to the SNG area (with HDSDI1080i50 signal audio embedded and BNC interface). Broadcasters will need to provide their own A/V cabling on either end of the fiber.
    9. The editing spaces are not cabled to the satellite vans parking lot. Own cabling to the satellite vans is possible under conditions.
    10. Cables connecting reserved editing booths to satellite vans must be done by the network concerned no later than 20h00 on 13 June. Prior notification of cabling plans and schedule needed to be made in writing no later than 10 June here: broadcastoperations@hq.nato.int. Late requests will be reviewed but may not be accepted.
    1. Media representatives traveling to Belgium to cover the NATO summit are expected to comply with COVID-19 rules and quarantine regulations in force in Belgium at that particular time.
    2. More information about the measures in place, including travel and quarantine partial exemption for professional reasons can be found at https://www.info-coronavirus.be/en/exemptions/. If requested by Belgian authorities, media representatives can present the confirmation of the accreditation for the NATO summit.
    3. All journalists requiring visa for Belgium will be responsible for ensuring that they have the appropriate visa to enter the country. Media are advised to request accreditation without waiting for a valid visa, and to apply for such a visa in in good time. More information on the webpage of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, here: http://bit.ly/2nNhEYn  
    1. The Accreditation Office can be accessed by train, tram and bus routes from the centre of Brussels and from Brussels International airport.
    2. A parking lot next to the Accreditation Office (to be used on a first-come first-served), secured 24/7 during the opening hours of the media centre will also be available for the media representatives.
    1. Catering will be available at a cost on the premises of the media centre. Options for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be available.
    2. Payment will only be cashless. All credit cards will be accepted.
    3. Catering area opening hours:
      • Sunday 13 June: 12:00 – 20:00
      • Monday 14 June: 7:00 – 20:00
    1. On 14 June 2021, NATO will also organize a public diplomacy event in cooperation with the German Marshall Fund of the United States. This event, “NATO 2030 at Brussels Forum”, will be opened by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and feature conversations with government leaders, international experts, representatives from civil society, the private sector and young professionals. They will hold future oriented discussions on NATO’s priorities for the next decade and beyond. The event will be closed by the Prime Minister of Belgium Alexander de Croo.
    2. The event starts at 10.00 and will end at 20.00, and will be accessible exclusively online. For more info and registration: https://www.gmfus.org/events/brussels-forum-2021.
    1. The email contacts below are for specific topics about the operation of the Summit. Please send your enquiry to the appropriate email address.
    • Press and media enquiries: moc@hq.nato.int or +32 2 707 50 41
    • Requests for interviews for the NATO Secretary General: moc@hq.nato.int
    • Requests for interviews of Delegation officials should be sent directly to the appropriate Delegation.

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