• NATO Secretary General meets with members of EU Parliament

15 July 2022


NATO Secretary General meets with members of EU Parliament

NATO Secretary General meets with members of EU Parliament

Speaking with members of the EU Parliament on 13 July 2022, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg described the NATO Summit in Madrid as “historic and transformative”. The Secretary General was attending a joint meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence for discussions on the NATO Summit decisions and on cooperation between NATO and the European Union.

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NATO Secretary General welcomes Albanian Prime Minister to NATO Headquarters

NATO Secretary General welcomes Albanian Prime Minister to NATO Headquarters

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Prime Minister Edi Rama at NATO Headquarters on 13 July 2022 and thanked him for Albania’s contributions to the Alliance. He welcomed Albania’s contributions to NATO’s multinational battlegroups in Latvia and Bulgaria, as well as to the Alliance’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

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NATO and the European Union work together to counter cyber threats

NATO and the European Union work together to counter cyber threats

Following the NATO Summit in Madrid last month, senior officials from NATO and the European Union met on 14 July 2022 to take stock of recent developments in the cyber threat landscape and explore further areas of engagement on cyber defence.

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Deputy Secretary General opens annual NATO Partnerships 360 Symposium

Deputy Secretary General opens annual NATO Partnerships 360 Symposium

On 12 July 2022, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană opened the annual NATO Partnerships 360 Symposium, a forum bringing together civilian and military representatives from Allied and partner nations to facilitate dialogue on the future of NATO's partnerships policy.

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Some assembly required – NATO Allies and soon-to-be Ally Sweden train to keep Gotland secure

Some assembly required – NATO Allies and soon-to-be Ally Sweden train to keep Gotland secure

After more than 200 years of military non-alignment, Sweden is in the process of joining NATO and will help strengthen Euro-Atlantic security as a new Ally. During exercise BALTOPS 22, Swedish troops trained with US Marines and other Allied forces on the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.

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NATO reaffirms its firm commitment to supporting arms control at UN meeting

NATO reaffirms its firm commitment to supporting arms control at UN meeting

Earlier this month, NATO participated in the Eighth Biennial Meeting of State Parties on the Programme of Work to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons. The meeting was held in New York, under auspices of the United Nations.

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NATO International Military Staff bids farewell to its Director, Lieutenant General Wiermann

NATO International Military Staff bids farewell to its Director, Lieutenant General Wiermann

Lieutenant General Hans-Werner Wiermann, Director General of the International Military Staff, bid farewell to his staff and the NATO Military Committee on 14 July 2022.

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NATO Allies share views on arms control and strategic stability with US Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security

NATO Allies share views on arms control and strategic stability with US Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security

Ambassador Bonnie Denise Jenkins (US Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security) visited NATO Headquarters on 11 July 2022, where she met with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană and Allies, within the framework of the Special Advisory and Consultative Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Committee.

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Lieutenant General Nielsen elected new Commandant of the NATO Defense College

Lieutenant General Nielsen elected new Commandant of the NATO Defense College

On Monday 11 July 2022, the NATO Military Committee elected Lieutenant General Max A.L.T. Nielsen to be the new Commandant of the NATO Defense College. Lieutenant General Nielsen has been serving as Denmark’s Military Representative to NATO and the EU since 2019. He will take over from Lieutenant General Olivier Rittimann in summer 2023.

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NATO military officials hold staff-to-staff talks in Colombia

NATO military officials hold staff-to-staff talks in Colombia

From 11 to 14 July 2022, representatives from the NATO International Military Staff Cooperative Security division, SHAPE and NATO’s Land and Air Commands attended staff-to-staff talks with Colombian military officials in Bogotá. 

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NATO 2022 Strategic Concept
NATO Review
The 1982 Summit and after: a personal view

The 1982 Summit and after: a personal view

Sir Clive Rose


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