• NATO steps up support for Ukraine, strengthens deterrence and defence
• Video - 14 October is World Standards Day

14 October 2022


NATO steps up support for Ukraine, strengthens deterrence and defence

NATO steps up support for Ukraine, strengthens deterrence and defence

NATO will further step up support for Ukraine, while strengthening the Alliance’s defence and deterrence and working to increase the protection of critical infrastructure, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on 13 October 2022.

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NATO’s annual nuclear exercise gets underway

NATO’s annual nuclear exercise gets underway

Air forces from across NATO will exercise nuclear deterrence capabilities involving dozens of aircraft over north-western Europe starting on 17 October 2022. The exercise, which runs until 30 October, is a routine, recurring training activity and it is not linked to any current world events.

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Secretary General welcomes US Secretary of Defense to meeting of NATO Defence Ministers

Secretary General welcomes US Secretary of Defense to meeting of NATO Defence Ministers

Mr Stoltenberg thanked Secretary Austin for his strong personal leadership, as well as the US’ steadfast commitment to the Alliance, and its powerful support to Ukraine.

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14 NATO Allies and Finland agree to boost European air defence capabilities

14 NATO Allies and Finland agree to boost European air defence capabilities

Defence Ministers from 14 NATO Allies and Finland came together in Brussels on 13 October 2022 to sign a Letter of Intent for the development of a “European Sky Shield Initiative”.

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NATO Secretary General takes part in B9 Defence Ministers’ meeting

NATO Secretary General takes part in B9 Defence Ministers’ meeting

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended the Bucharest Nine (B9) Defence Ministers’ meeting at NATO Headquarters on 14 October 2022.

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Secretary General: NATO Defence Ministers meet at a pivotal moment for our securityhttps://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_208080.htm

Secretary General: NATO Defence Ministers meet at a pivotal moment for our security

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg outlined the key decisions to be taken by Allied Defence Ministers at their meetings in Brussels on 12-13 October 2022, calling this ''a pivotal moment for our security''.

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Deputy Secretary General reaffirms NATO commitment to Western Balkans

Deputy Secretary General reaffirms NATO commitment to Western Balkans

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană reaffirmed NATO’s strong and unwavering commitment to peace and stability in the Western Balkans at the 2BS (To Be Secure) Forum on 7 October 2022.

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Deputy Secretary General emphasises importance of NATO-EU partnership at EU Ambassadors Conference

Deputy Secretary General emphasises importance of NATO-EU partnership at EU Ambassadors Conference

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană spoke at the 2022 European Union Ambassadors' Conference on 12 October 2022, praising the close cooperation between NATO and the EU, based on shared values, visions and a similar strategic outlook.

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Deputy Secretary General underscores NATO’s deepening partnership with Republic of Moldova

Deputy Secretary General underscores NATO’s deepening partnership with Republic of Moldova

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană met Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatîi of the Republic of Moldova at NATO Headquarters on 12 October 2022, praising Moldova for its contributions to international security, and underlining NATO’s commitment to deepening its partnership with Chișinău.

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NATO Allies take further steps towards responsible use of AI, data, autonomy and digital transformation

NATO Allies take further steps towards responsible use of AI, data, autonomy and digital transformation

On 13 October 2022, NATO Defence Ministers agreed to establish a Review Board to govern the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data across the NATO Enterprise.

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NATO Deputy Secretary General underlines importance of ''strategic solidarity'' between Europe and North America

NATO Deputy Secretary General underlines importance of ''strategic solidarity'' between Europe and North America

Speaking at a European Union budget conference in Brussels on 10 October 2022, Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană called for “strategic solidarity” between Europe and North America as the best response to a more dangerous and unpredictable security environment.

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Independent Scientific Evaluation Group returns to NATO Headquarters

Independent Scientific Evaluation Group returns to NATO Headquarters

For more than 60 years, NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme has been supporting and promoting international cooperation on civil science and technology, and the Independent Scientific Evaluation Group is a key part of this vital work.

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NATO forces participate in UK-led Exercise Joint Warrior

NATO forces participate in UK-led Exercise Joint Warrior

More than 11,000 personnel from NATO countries participated in Exercise Joint Warrior. The biannual exercise included defence against simulated attacks above, on and below the water – extending from Cape Wrath and the Hebrides in the north, to the North Sea and the western Channel.

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The people behind the policies: integrating gender perspectives into the military

The people behind the policies: integrating gender perspectives into the military

NATO, as a political and military alliance, has a robust institutional framework comprised of dedicated civilian and military staff.

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Youth, peace and security: What is it and why should we care?

Youth, peace and security: What is it and why should we care?

Today’s generation of youth is the largest the world has ever known, and young women and men are often forming the majority of the population in countries affected by violence and armed conflicts. Their input in security is therefore essential.

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14 October is World Standards Day

14 October is World Standards Day

Without standardization, it is impossible to have interoperability across 30 NATO Allies. A common set of standards allows for more efficient use of resources and thus enhances the Alliance’s operational effectiveness.

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Official Photo (with invitees Finland and Sweden)
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