• NATO Secretary General: we must ensure Ukraine can defend itself now and in the future
• Video - How does NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence work?

16 June 2023


NATO Secretary General: we must ensure Ukraine can defend itself now and in the future

NATO Secretary General: we must ensure Ukraine can defend itself now and in the future

Opening a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission on 15 June 2023, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Allies must continue to increase the delivery of military equipment to Ukraine as it fights to regain territory from Russian occupying forces. NATO Defence Ministers were joined by their Ukrainian counterpart Oleksii Reznikov, as well as Swedish Defence Minister PÃ¥l Jonson and EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

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NATO Defence Ministers conclude two days of meetings, pledging increased support for Ukraine

NATO Defence Ministers conclude two days of meetings, pledging increased support for Ukraine

NATO Defence Ministers concluded two days of meetings in Brussels on 16 June 2023, in order to prepare for the Vilnius Summit in July.

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Four more Allies join NATO’s Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative

Four more Allies join NATO’s Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative

Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg joined NATO’s Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative (MAWI) on 15 June 2023. MAWI plays a key role for enabling the pre-positioning of adequate munition stockpiles in support of NATO’s multinational battlegroups on the Alliance’s eastern flank.

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Senior officials meet in Ankara to address Trilateral Memorandum implementation, Sweden's path to NATO membership

Senior officials meet in Ankara to address Trilateral Memorandum implementation, Sweden's path to NATO membership

Senior officials from Türkiye, Sweden, Finland and NATO met in Ankara on 14 June 2023 for talks on Sweden’s progress toward full NATO membership. The leaders of Türkiye, Finland and Sweden agreed a trilateral memorandum in Madrid in June 2022 to address Türkiye’s legitimate security concerns, thus paving the way for Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership.

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Destruction of dam in Ukraine - Request for assistance and situation reports - Updated

Destruction of dam in Ukraine - Request for assistance and situation reports - Updated

As a result of the destruction of the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant (KHPP), and in accordance with the procedures at reference, the EADRCC received on 11 June 2023 an updated urgent request for international humanitarian assistance from Ukraine to protect its population against the flooding and its secondary impact.

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NATO Secretary General meets President Biden to prepare for the Vilnius Summit

NATO Secretary General meets President Biden to prepare for the Vilnius Summit

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with US President Joe Biden at the White House on 13 June 2023 to prepare for next month’s NATO Summit in Vilnius.

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NATO and EU together for stability in Kosovo and the Western Balkans

NATO and EU together for stability in Kosovo and the Western Balkans

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană met on 13 June 2023 with Ambassador Miroslav Lajcak, EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkans issues, who recently visited Belgrade and Pristina.

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Deputy Secretary General addresses Space Fest in Romania

Deputy Secretary General addresses Space Fest in Romania

Speaking at the Space FEST conference in Bucharest on 12 June, Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said that “competition in space is fierce and is becoming fiercer” and that “this has implications for our economy, but also for our security”.

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Germany hosts biggest ever air exercise of NATO forces

Germany hosts biggest ever air exercise of NATO forces

Allied air forces began the largest deployment exercise in NATO’s history on 12 June 2023. Twenty-five nations are taking part in the two-week long “Air Defender” exercise, with around 10,000 personnel and 250 aircraft.

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North Atlantic Council Statement on Russia’s withdrawal from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

North Atlantic Council Statement on Russia’s withdrawal from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

NATO Allies condemn Russia’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), a cornerstone of Europe’s security architecture. The CFE Treaty establishes legally binding and verifiable limits on key categories of conventional military equipment of the States Parties.

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How does NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence work?

How does NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence work?

Every day, Allied citizens are protected from airborne threats by an integrated network of sensors, missile defence systems and fighter jets. Collectively, they’re known as the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (IAMD). But how does this system work?

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