• Secretary General praises Montenegro's contributions to NATO, key role in Western Balkans
• Video - Training Ukraine's volunteer army

23 June 2023


Secretary General praises Montenegro's contributions to NATO, key role in Western Balkans

Secretary General praises Montenegro's contributions to NATO, key role in Western Balkans

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed President Jakov Milatović to NATO Headquarters on Thursday (22 June 2023), thanking him for Montenegro’s “many contributions to our shared security”. He highlighted Montenegro’s key role in promoting stability and peace in the Western Balkans, including by contributing troops to the KFOR peace-keeping mission in Kosovo.

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NATO Secretary General: our armed forces must be both green and strong

NATO Secretary General: our armed forces must be both green and strong

Speaking on a high-level transatlantic panel on climate and security on Wednesday (21 June 2023), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed the importance for our security of tackling climate change and securing a green energy transition. The Secretary General argued that we cannot compromise on military effectiveness, and that our armed forces must be both green and strong.

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Secretary General praises Germany’s contributions to NATO

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Monday (19 June 2023), in order to prepare for the Alliance’s upcoming Vilnius Summit.

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NATO Secretary General visits exercise Air Defender in Germany

NATO Secretary General visits exercise Air Defender in Germany

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met and thanked personnel participating in exercise Air Defender 2023 together with the German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius at Air Base Jagel in northern Germany on Tuesday (20 June 2023).

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NATO’s innovation accelerator becomes operational and launches first challenges

NATO’s innovation accelerator becomes operational and launches first challenges

On Monday (19 June 2023), NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) became operational and launched its first call for proposals to solve critical defence and security challenges. DIANA brings together governments, industry and academia to work with start-ups and other innovators to help their ideas and businesses succeed. This year, DIANA will support the best and brightest to develop dual-use technologies to solve problems in three areas: energy resilience, sensing and surveillance, and secure information sharing.

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NATO and the Republic of Korea strengthen cooperation on air safety

NATO and the Republic of Korea strengthen cooperation on air safety

NATO and the Republic of Korea continue to deepen their long-standing partnership, by strengthening their cooperation in the domain of air safety.

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Statement by NATO Spokesperson on Kosovo

Statement by NATO Spokesperson on Kosovo

NATO takes the events in northern Kosovo very seriously. KFOR is taking all necessary measures to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, as authorised under UNSC Resolution 1244 of 1999.

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NATO Deputy Secretary General addresses European Air and Missile Defence Conference

NATO Deputy Secretary General addresses European Air and Missile Defence Conference

Addressing the European Air and Missile Defence Conference at the Paris Air Show on Monday (19 June 2023), NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană said that further developing air and missile defence in Europe was “a crucial part” of NATO’s work to bolster deterrence and defence. "Integrated Air and Missile Defence will allow us to maintain air superiority in a conflict and better protect our forces, people and critical infrastructure," he said.

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Training Ukraine's volunteer army

Training Ukraine's volunteer army

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, tens of thousands of Ukrainians have volunteered to fight for their country. The volunteers are trained in basic military skills by NATO Allies and partners across Europe.

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