• Deputy Secretary General welcomes NATO’s deepening partnership with Moldova
• Video - NATO’s mountain warfare specialists

15 September 2023


NATO Secretary General at the European Parliament: we must support Ukraine for as long as it takes

Deputy Secretary General welcomes NATO’s deepening partnership with Moldova

From 14 to 15 September 2023, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană visited Chişinău to discuss NATO’s deepening partnership with the Republic of Moldova.

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NATO surveillance drone conducts first mission over Finland

NATO surveillance drone conducts first mission over Finland

On 13 September 2023, a NATO surveillance drone concluded a flight over Finland, the Alliance’s newest member. The unmanned aircraft, travelling at high altitudes above Allies’ territories and in international airspace, collected data for Allies to support their collective deterrence and defence.

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NATO navies hold annual Northern Coasts collective defence exercise in the Baltic Sea

NATO navies hold annual Northern Coasts collective defence exercise in the Baltic Sea

Some 30 warships and 3,200 personnel from 14 nations participate in the annual two-week naval exercise Northern Coasts, which started on 9 September 2023 in the Baltic Sea, primarily off the coasts of Estonia and Latvia.

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Meet NATO’s beekeeper, Bruno Harmant

Meet NATO’s beekeeper, Bruno Harmant

"When I open the beehive, it makes me feel connected to nature," explains Bruno Harmant, beekeeper at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Few would expect to see an apiary at the offices of a political-military organisation like NATO, but since 2020, beehives have become an integral part of a wider ‘greening’ initiative at the Brussels headquarters.

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NATO hosts Colombian War College visit

NATO hosts Colombian War College visit

On 8 September 2023, the NATO International Military Staff, under the auspices of its Cooperative Security Division, welcomed a group of students from the Colombian War College to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

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Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session
NATO’s mountain warfare specialists

NATO’s mountain warfare specialists

Mountainous terrain is often difficult to access. But it can also be where critical infrastructure, such as pylons, pipelines and tunnels, is found. Being able to access and protect that infrastructure could be vital in a wartime scenario.

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Finland in action
Finland in action
NATO's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Top Five Russian Myths Debunked