$500 Cash Prize
A Publishing & Presentation Opportunity
Please encourage your students, interns, and/or volunteers to submit a paper for the 2023 Sacknoff Prize for Space History and
share our flyer with them. The deadline is
28 November 2023. This is a great
opportunity to brush up a class paper or repurpose a thesis chapter!
About the Prize
Awarded since 2011, the Sacknoff Prize for Space History is designed to encourage original research by university
students—undergraduate or graduate—in the field of space history.
The prize is open to all students and is not limited to those at United States institutions. (Papers written by a team of students are also accepted.) Students must be enrolled at an educational institution at the time of submission and working toward a degree:
undergraduate, graduate, or military. Papers already published or scheduled for publication in another journal will
NOT be accepted.
In addition to the $500 cash prize, the winning paper will be published in the peer-reviewed history journal,
The History of Spaceflight Quarterly and will be given the opportunity to present their paper at the
Society for the History of Technology annual meeting to the Albatross Special Interest Group on aerospace.
Possible Topics
Although works must be historical in character, they can draw on other disciplines—such as culture studies, literature, communications, economics, engineering, and science. Possible historical subjects include, but are not limited to:
Historical aspects of space institutions and their leaders
Case studies of companies and space business activities
International efforts and programs
Space technology development
Human flight and robotic exploration programs
Regulation of space businesses
Politics and policies impacting space activities from a historical perspective
Financial and economic aspects of the space industry
The social effects of spaceflight
The space environment
Space system design, engineering, and safety