• Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs - Brussels, 28-29 November 2023

Press Release

23 October 2023


Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs - Brussels, 28-29 November 2023


A meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs will take place on 28-29 November 2023 at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The meeting will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg.

Journalists with annual NATO accreditation do not need to apply for separate ad-hoc accreditation for this event. All other journalists who plan to attend in person need to seek ad-hoc accreditation by Sunday 12 November at 23:59 (CEST).

The Secretary General will preview the Ministerial meeting with a press conference in the days before the event. Ministerial accreditation, as well as annual accreditation, will give access to that press conference.

The Secretary General will brief the media on both days of the Ministerial meeting.


A detailed media programme of the Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers will be available on the NATO website closer to the event.

For information about individual Ministers’ media programmes, please contact the national delegations. A list of delegation press officers is available from the NATO Press Office (contact here).


Media representatives who wish to cover the Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers need to seek accreditation, except if they have annual accreditation at NATO.

Accredited media representatives can work in the press area of NATO Headquarters on 27, 28 and 29 November and access all public areas. The opening hours of the press area will be communicated in the media programme. Accredited journalists can attend Ministers’ doorsteps and the press conferences of the NATO Secretary General.

National briefings will also take place at NATO Headquarters. Those may be by invitation only. Please contact national delegations at NATO for details about their plans.


Media representatives who have annual accreditation to NATO for 2023 do not need to apply for separate accreditation for this event.

All other media representatives wishing to cover the meeting need to apply for accreditation. They need to register via NATO’s media accreditation platform: https://my.hq.nato.int. Please find instructions on how to log in or create a new profile in Annex 1.

The deadline to register and apply for media accreditation is Sunday 12 November at 23:59 (CEST).

Please apply as early as possible to allow for sufficient time for processing accreditation requests.

NATO will confirm accreditation explicitly by email. Please bring a printout of the confirmation email when collecting your badge.

Media passes must be collected in person upon presentation of an ID card or passport at the Main Entrance, NATO Headquarters, Boulevard Leopold III 1110 Brussels. You must bring the same ID document that you used to apply for accreditation online.

Passes must be visible at all times. Please arrive early to clear security checks. Security personnel will examine and may test equipment and personal effects.


Accredited media representatives can work in the press area of NATO Headquarters on the day of the pre-ministerial press conference and the days of the Ministerial meeting, and access all public areas. The opening hours of the press area will be communicated in the media programme. Accredited journalists can attend Ministers’ doorsteps and the press conferences of the NATO Secretary General.

These events will also be streamed live on the NATO website.

National briefings will also take place at NATO Headquarters. Those may be by invitation only. Please contact national delegations at NATO for details about their plans.


A few elements of the Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers will be accessible only to a pool of visual journalists. Details on pooled events and distribution of pool cards will be available in the media programme, a few days before the event.

If you accept a NATO pool position, you must share immediately all information and material collected while in the pool with any accredited media that request it, at no charge and with no restriction on the use of the material for news purposes.

Media organisations that want pooled images should first contact the wire service / photo agency of which they are a client. Media representatives and news organisations must identify that it is pooled material every time it is used. Pooled material can only be used for legitimate news purposes and cannot be sold.


NATO will provide broadcast-quality video in real time on EBU World feed or to EBU News Exchange.

NATO photographers and videographers will provide video clips and photos of all public events during the ministerial meeting. Photos can be downloaded from the NATO website. The video files will be available for free download from the NATO Multimedia Portal.

The Secretary General's press conferences will be streamed live on the NATO website.


A press working area will be set up on the first floor of the Public Square at NATO HQ. Working spaces cannot be booked in advance and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Television and radio editing spaces will be available upon request by email to the NATO TV & Radio Unit (see contact details below).


Media representatives can park in the Visitors' car park of the NATO HQ. Uplink vans can park in a special section of the car park upon request to the NATO TV & Radio Unit.

For general queries: Contact the NATO Press Office


TV & Radio arrangements on site and via satellite

NATO Video on demand