Protecting our critical satellite infrastructure

NATO Review offers expert opinion, analysis and debate on security issues. What is published in this magazine does not necessarily represent the official position or policy of member governments, or of NATO

Many satellite systems have dual civilian and military use, which can cause problems with identifying legitimate targets according to the rules of International Humanitarian Law. Experts already warn of blurring lines between military and commercial satellites. Picture courtesy of Air & Space Forces

Protecting our critical satellite infrastructure: the importance of space-based infrastructure to humanity, and its status within NATO

David Eagleson

Amongst the many vital strategic and security priorities on the agenda at the NATO summit in Vilnius, it was refreshing to see important discussions about space security taking place. Space has long been an important domain for military operations and has been used actively by NATO for its own satellite communications (SATCOM) programme for almost two decades. However, it was not until 2019 that NATO Allies formally recognised space as an operational domain, opening the door to a greater focus on how space can play a pivotal role in our defence.