Sharable ammunition

NATO Review offers expert opinion, analysis and debate on security issues. What is published in this magazine does not necessarily represent the official position or policy of member governments, or of NATO


Turning standard ammunition into sharable ammunition

Lt Gen L. Landrum, Col Joel P. Gleason, Col G. Corrado

NATO’s multinational battlegroups need help transitioning verified technical interchangeability into national policies that allow them to operate, train, and maintain readiness from a common ammunition stockpile that is legally permitted and safe to use. In February and March of this year, the NATO Standardization Office coordinated with a team from the US Army War College (USAWC) to conduct a ground-level survey within three of NATO’s eight multinational battlegroups. The team’s most salient observation was this: battle group key leaders believe that national policies prevent ammunition exchange within their multinational formation. This perception may hinder a multinational unit’s wartime interoperability, and certainly impedes operational efficiency in peacetime.