• NATO Secretary General meets EU College of Commissioners
• Video: The European Union: a unique and essential partner for NATO

17 November 2023


NATO Secretary General meets EU College of Commissioners

NATO Secretary General meets EU College of Commissioners

Attending a meeting with the EU College of Commissioners in Brussels on 15 November 2023, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for being a driving force behind the NATO-EU partnership.

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Secretary General welcomes Latvian President to NATO for talks on Ukraine support, deterrence and defence

Secretary General welcomes Latvian President to NATO for talks on Ukraine support, deterrence and defence

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs to NATO Headquarters on 16 November 2023 to discuss continued support for Ukraine and the ongoing implementation of decisions taken at the Vilnius Summit.

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NATO Secretary General addresses protection of critical undersea infrastructure, support to Ukraine with EU Defence Ministers

NATO Secretary General addresses protection of critical undersea infrastructure, support to Ukraine with EU Defence Ministers

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union with EU Defence Ministers in Brussels on 14 November 2023 to discuss the protection of critical undersea infrastructure and the importance of continued support to Ukraine.

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NATO strengthens situational awareness with next generation of command and control aircraft

NATO strengthens situational awareness with next generation of command and control aircraft

NATO has selected its next generation command and control aircraft as the Alliance’s existing Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) fleet nears retirement. Production of the six new Boeing’s E-7A Wedgetail aircraft is set to begin in the coming years, with the first aircraft expected to be ready for operational duty by 2031.

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NATO Military Committee holds first meeting in new NATO-Ukraine format

NATO Military Committee holds first meeting in new NATO-Ukraine format

On 16 November 2023, the NATO Military Committee held the first edition of the NATO-Ukraine Council in Military Representatives format. While the NATO Military Representatives regularly engage with their Ukrainian counterparts, the particularity of this new format lies in that Ukraine sits among Allies.

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NATO Deputy Secretary General hails Bulgaria’s contributions to stability in the Black Sea

NATO Deputy Secretary General hails Bulgaria’s contributions to stability in the Black Sea

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană travelled to Bulgaria on Friday 10 November 2023 for the annual exercise “Iron Strike” conducted by the NATO multinational battle group stationed in the country.

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Ukrainian paramedics complete first-aid training organised by NATO and Romania

Ukrainian paramedics complete first-aid training organised by NATO and Romania

Around 200 Ukrainian medics have completed NATO training that will help Ukraine’s healthcare system to cope with the devastating impact of Russia’s war. The activity was organised jointly by Romania and NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), and funded by six Allies.

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg awarded with the CIOR Medal

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg awarded with the CIOR Medal

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was awarded the CIOR 75th Anniversary Medal in a ceremony at the NATO Headquarters on 14 November 2023.

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Romania’s Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre hosts the first NATO Resilience Course for Civil Experts

Romania’s Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre hosts the first NATO Resilience Course for Civil Experts

In collaboration with the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre in Bucharest, NATO held the first edition of the NATO Resilience Course for Civil Experts from 6 to 10 November 2023.

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The European Union: a unique and essential partner for NATO

The European Union: a unique and essential partner for NATO

NATO and the European Union are strong partners since the early 2000s. The two organisations share the same values and challenges, and have complementary roles in supporting international peace and security.

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