Climate change at sea

NATO Review offers expert opinion, analysis and debate on security issues. What is published in this magazine does not necessarily represent the official position or policy of member governments, or of NATO


Climate change threatens NATO’s readiness and resilience at sea

Prof. S. Carniel, F. Lissi, A. Martin Blanco, A. Russo

NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept defines climate change as a “crisis and a threat multiplier”, but what does that actually mean for NATO’s ability to deter and defend? At the NATO Summit in Brussels in 2021, Allies agreed to put climate change at the top of NATO’s agenda. The new Strategic Concept, which was agreed at the 2022 Madrid Summit, reaffirmed this commitment. Since then, NATO has produced several flagship reports on the topic, which show how the effects of climate change have profound impacts on everyday life. However, there is still a strong need to explore how climate change affects NATO operations across different domains.