Dec 1, 2023
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of “Beta Pre-Validated” Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn) Science Data Products. The primary purpose of this release is to familiarize users with science data products from in- flight KaRIn data. This release includes:
Please refer to the official release note for a more comprehensive description of the data coverage for each product in this release. Additionally, data users are encouraged to consult the Product Description Documents (PDDs) for detailed explanations of data product content and format. The PDDs can be accessed from the SWOT mission page on PODAAC web portal, and/or from the dataset landing page for each product listed below.
The DOIs for data products corresponding to each period of coverage noted above (3) are listed below by their unique identifiers:
1. Reprocessed LR ocean products from calibration phase, 3/30 thru 7/10
2. Forward processed LR ocean products from science phase, 9/7 thru 11/21
3. Reprocessed HR hydrology products from calibration phase, 4/8 thru 4/22
Please refer to the release note and dataset landing pages for information about how to access SWOT data hosted at PO.DAAC.
Comments/Questions? Please contact or visit the PO.DAAC on Earthdata Forum.
User Services Office
NASA JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC
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