• NATO Secretary General chairs meeting of National Security Advisers, addresses preparations for Washington Summit
• Video: Steadfast Defender 2024: The Voyage Begins

9 February 2024


NATO Secretary General chairs meeting of National Security Advisers, addresses preparations for Washington Summit

NATO Secretary General chairs meeting of National Security Advisers, addresses preparations for Washington Summit

National Security Advisers from all NATO Allies and invitee Sweden met in Brussels on 7 February 2024 to discuss preparations for the Washington Summit in July, including continued support to Ukraine, strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defence, and the growing challenges posed by China.

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Demonstrating cohesion, NATO jets train across borders

Demonstrating cohesion, NATO jets train across borders

NATO jets from Belgium, France and Poland honed their skills during cross-border flying training practicing aerial manoeuvres and Air Policing drills. (Story courtesy of Allied Air Command)

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NATO headquarters welcomes the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives Executive Committee

NATO headquarters welcomes the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives Executive Committee

On 29-31 January 2024, NATO headquarters welcomed the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives (NCGP) Executive Committee for their annual Plenary Session, to discuss NATO’s priorities for the integration of the gender perspective and outline the NCGP’s work plan for the upcoming year.

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NATO mine countermeasures task group conducts advanced training with Spain in Mediterranean Sea

NATO mine countermeasures task group conducts advanced training with Spain in Mediterranean Sea

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) conducted a passing exercise (PASSEX) with the Spanish Navy, with a focus on mine countermeasures (MCM) and seamanship, in the vicinity of Cartagena, Spain, 29 January - 2 February 24. (Story courtesy of Allied Maritime Command)

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NATO launches challenge for women and girls in science

NATO launches challenge for women and girls in science

In celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February, the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) is proud to launch a challenge for female university students and early career researchers up to 30 years of age.

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Chair of the NATO Military Committee at Leangkollen Security Conference: “by preparing we ramp up our resilience and our deterrence”

Chair of the NATO Military Committee at Leangkollen Security Conference: “by preparing we ramp up our resilience and our deterrence”

On 6 February 2024, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, delivered a speech at the Leangkollen Security Conference in Oslo, Norway, emphasizing that NATO has entered a new era of collective defence.

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Reserve Forces Committee addresses the future of military medicine through telemetry, AI, and big data

Reserve Forces Committee addresses the future of military medicine through telemetry, AI, and big data

From 31st January to 2nd February 2024, the Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers (CIOMR) organised their Mid-Winter meeting at NATO HQ, in Brussels. The meeting was not only a showcase of technological advancements; it was a testament to the Alliance's commitment to embracing innovation for the betterment of allied military medical services.

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Steadfast Defender 2024: The Voyage Begins

Steadfast Defender 2024: The Voyage Begins

NATO’s largest exercise in decades is underway. Steadfast Defender 2024 (STDE24) involves around 90,000 forces from 31 Allies and NATO partner Sweden. The exercise, which is conducted across various NATO nations, is based on NATO’s new defence plans and demonstrates the Alliance’s ability to rapidly deploy forces from North America and other parts of the Alliance, to reinforce the defence of Europe. It also gives a clear demonstration of NATO’s transatlantic unity, strength and determination to do all that is necessary to protect each other and our common values.

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NATO Review
Why cognitive superiority is an imperative

Why cognitive superiority is an imperative

Dr. Kestutis Paulauskas

Setting the record straight
NATO History