Just a reminder that this talk is at noon ET today.  Please join us!


NASA History Talk: “A Place in the Stars: China’s Historical Quest for Space Power and National Narratives” by R. Lincoln Hines

Time/Date/Location:  noon - 1 pm ET, Wednesday 21 February, virtual via MS Teams link (no prior registration necessary) 

Contact:  Steve Garber (stephen.j.garber@nasa.gov)


Description:  Why has China pursued expensive and attention-grabbing space capabilities with limited material payoffs? This presentation focuses on a case study of China’s early space ambitions in Mao-era China (1949-1976). It argues that China’s technonationalist narrative has driven Chinese leaders to prioritize markers of prestige and technological might. It then discusses broader lessons for understanding China’s space ambitions today.  R. Lincoln Hines is a political scientist and Assistant Professor at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology.




Stephen Garber


NASA History Division

Office of Communications

NASA Headquarters

Mary W. Jackson Building, Room 5P25

Washington, DC 20546





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