:Product: Solar Region Summary

:Issued: 2024 Jun 22 0030 UTC

# Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,

# Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force.


Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary

SRS Number 174 Issued at 0030Z on 22 Jun 2024
Report compiled from data received at SWO on 21 Jun

I.  Regions with Sunspots.  Locations Valid at 21/2400Z 

Nmbr Location  Lo  Area  Z   LL   NN Mag Type

3712 S26W65   170  0750 Ekc  15   09 Beta-Gamma

3713 S14W53   158  0950 Ekc  11   24 Beta-Gamma-Delta

3716 N10W59   164  0500 Ekc  12   14 Beta-Gamma

3719 S13E41   064  0090 Dao  08   05 Beta

3720 S05E49   056  0080 Cao  04   08 Beta

3721 N27E59   046  0020 Hsx  01   01 Alpha

3722 S09E59   162  0030 Dso  03   02 Beta

IA. H-alpha Plages without Spots.  Locations Valid at 21/2400Z Jun

Nmbr  Location  Lo

3715  N17W77   182

3718  N12W13   118

II. Regions Due to Return 22 Jun to 24 Jun

Nmbr Lat    Lo

3698 N22    011

3697 S17    004

3701 S06    003

3703 S08    347

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